O/T Kindness Found Me Today

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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2004
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Apollo's Acres, Virginia, USA
Dale and I were in our local Radio Shacktoday. We were starting a new cell phone account and it was takingawhile. I was excitedly talking about the chicks at home and the newones we were going to go get.

We both found some toys for Apollo. Trying to imagine Wollorunning around with a multi colored plastic pair of activity pliers. Orthe matching hammer. I took this opportunity to tell Dale about uspossibly getting one or two of Gypsy's bunnies. He said no, I said yes,he said ok. :p:p

We were so into what we were talking about we never noticed themanager loading up an old display case. Apparently he heardus. He gave us the case for the chicks and the bunnies. Ithas electrical hook ups built right into it. It has a glass front andwood sides. We are going to moderate the doors to include screens forventilation.

I left the house today hoping to get a few chicks and maybesave a duck or two. Instead I was given a reminder that there is stillso much love and beauty in the world. Sounds silly to some but I thinksometimes we need reminding.

I will post pictures as soon as we find a way to get it in the house, it weighs a ton:shock:.

Wow....that is WONDERFUL!

And how did you get so lucky as to get some of Gypsy'sbunnies? I'm JEALOUS! They were sogorgeous......but I figured I would never have a chance at them....

Oh well....

Mumbling to self: I will not be jealous.I will not be jealous. I will be happy for her. Iwill not be jealous.

Seriously though - I'm so glad that manager did that for y'all! That was wonderful!

It's nice to be reminded Tina ... and there aretimes when you go through a portion of your life when you wonder whatyou've done wrong ... this is when those kind gestures make you realisethat it's not so bad after all ..
TinysMom wrote:
Wow....that is WONDERFUL!

And how did you get so lucky as to get some of Gypsy'sbunnies? I'm JEALOUS! They were sogorgeous......but I figured I would never have a chance at them....

Oh well....

Mumbling to self: I will not be jealous.I will not be jealous. I will be happy for her. Iwill not be jealous.

Seriously though - I'm so glad that manager did that for y'all! That was wonderful!
Thank you. I asked Gypsy if I could adopt those two if theydidn't find homes. So if they are still without homes come July thebabies will be coming home with me.


Saffy, I have hit a bit of a rough patch and it was so nice to be reminded. I almost cried right there.

LittleMija2 and Northerndancer, I agree totally. What comesaround goes around and I truly pray he is repaid a hundred times over.He'll never know how much it meant to me.

Oh Tina, it's nice to hear there are SOME nice caring people out there!

and you are such a sweetheart for taking these babies under your wing.

much love,

It's things like that to remind us that there areso many good people in this world. I still smile when I think of a ladyin my building (we don't speak the same language well) shared sometreats she made with me in the elevator one day.

Can't wait to see the pics!
How Awsome !!!and come July Tinathese guys wont be finding ahome they WILL!! be goinghome with YOU. Justremember the one with thecross n his/her back is going to bea special needs bunny its oneof the delayed babies fromKissys llitter.

Thank you all of you. I feel I did all ofyou a grave disservice and I want to apologize for it. All of you hereare the most wonderful group of people I know.

Well, today's the day. We got it in thehouse:shock:did I say it weighted a ton..more like two tons,oh my knees. We wiped it down and set it up for them. It was so cute.They weren't used to so much space. They huddled in thecorner:(the poor little ones. Needless to say that didn'tlast long lol.:D

Here is the chicks new home.



It's3 feet by 2 feet. They really love it.

Thank you so much Lyndsy.

Stephanie, what an awesome meemory. I think I will remember this all my life.

Gypsy, you are too good to me.OMG, something aboutChristo.a just kept pulling at me until I asked you about him/her.Ican't stop crying. I will have a part of Darlingby adopting his brother or sister.I am hopingand praying that Hopi is opposite sex of Christo/a. Dale wants to bondthem. I can't thank you enough.

That is such a cute looking cage!! I like it andthey have plenty of room to move around... The manager isavery nice man, it is good to see there are good, nice people in thisworld. So how are the chicks doing? Do chicks ever get used to hands?
I actually have two chicks that are justnow getting their booty feathers. It's so cute. I have onenamed Mystery that seems to like being held. She's the runt in my bunchand gets picked on. I pick her up and she always snuggles in.

They are smart too. As soon as they see me coming that startsquaking like they've never been feed lol. they are alot of fun.

I am so glad and grateful. The chickslove it. They finally have room to jump and run. After they out grow itI am gong to modify the doors and it going to be the lush digs ofChrista and Hopi. He will never know how many he has helped with oneact.

What a great little home for them!

It always makes me smile when you hear of people doing kind things forothers that they don't know, it helps restore my faith in people if youknow what I mean :D
looky at the chicky babies!!!! How sweet and beautiful they are in their new home.

How lovely of that man to do that for you. It is alway nice whensomeone does something for others as sadly it doesn't happen that oftenthese days. You mentioned what comes around goes around. Maybe the goodthat you do everyday of your life is finally paying off. Your a greatperson and it looks like someone is making sure that you get your shareof the all thegood that you give to all.

That is such a nice thing. Around here,when stores are getting rid of anything, they try to sell it for someoutrageous price...it's insane.

I love that case. The chicks looks so happy. I'vebeen thinking I need to design something like that for some of myreptiles (they like it about 120 degrees and that's pretty hard to keepa tank with a screen top at. I'll have to show Shawn and seewhat he thinks.
