O/T KFC Cruelty

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You have to realize too that as bad as it maybe, PETA is going to make it all the worse in how they present thestory and edit it together. While I feel sorry for any animalthat is butchered for food, I avoid any propaganda put out by the PETApeople. Their goal is to make sure we never eatanother hamburger, another scrambled egg, another drumstick, we neverwear another pair of leather shoes ect... The list goes onand on. I do believe there is way too much cruelty to animalsin the world but PETA will have you believing that the one person orcorporation that was caught doing something cruel and offensive isactually how things are done everywhere. I avoid PETA storiesand films.
I have'nt seen the video and don't want to' ifind things like that to disturbing'we all know it goes on with outhaving to witness it as well.It gets me how people can film thiscruilty and sleep at nights without severe nightmares and mentalproblems'even though at times it has to be done::foreheadsmack:
Ya know Peta isnot one to talk about inhumane treatment ofanything , their goal os to stopall anything related to animals andwill go to EXTREME measureincluding ending the lives of suchanimals they propose to be saving , (double standard or what . ) Yaknow IF all of uswould ignore these annoying irritatingSmear campaines headed up by suchoprganizations , they w ould shut the heck upand go away , but every timesomeone posts something likethis it just justifiestheir not so good intentions,Remember Such organizationswrongfully distort and exagorate thetruth to fit in theirajenda. ALSO whateveryone must keep in mind isthese org's are onthe Terrorist watch group!
Thank You Mambo ,even in grief you are s till on topof everything , Kudo's hon Howsthe Ankle feeling this afternoon ?
gypsy wrote:
Thank You Mambo , evenin grief you are s till on top ofeverything , Kudo's hon Howsthe Ankle feeling this afternoon ?
It'sstill sore. The doc says I gotta give it at least 3 to 4 days beforethe major pain should go away. Thanks for asking.
PETA disgusts me with their anti-animalpolicies. If it were up to them nobody would own anyanimal PERIOD. No cats, dogs, bunnies, ferrets,etc. No fishing, no butterfly catching, no silk clothes, nohoney, no eggs, no cheese.

I remember years ago, they broke into an animal testing facility and'freed' all the animals into the great ouotdoors - we're talking aboutdomestic, rabbits, mice, rats, and dogs running out in the open with nofood shelter or water. Isn't that abandonment? Notto mention those animals could have been infected with some diesease orhad medical conditionsfrom the testing.:X

http://www.petakillsanimals.com/--Good site on the truth about this organization.

Peta or a similar group is blamed with an arsonon my dad's workplace- an agricultural co-op that happens to sell minkfood. Luckily, not much of the building was damaged but they did loseall the computers to smoke damage.

I remember a case from when I was a kid. An animal liberation groupreleased several hundred mink from a farm. The majority died on thehighway next to the farm. One of them managed to get far enough to bitea little girl who was playing in a yard a mile or two away. Theycouldn't find the darn thing, and she had to go through the wholeseries of rabies shots. Those are painfull!

There was also a short-lived campaign by Peta with billboards that said"Drink Beer, not Milk." In Wisconsin. MADD got mad indeed, andrightfully so. The billboards were quickly taken down.

I wouldn't wear fur but that's my choice. I still wear leather, eatmeat, and keep pets. I consider leather separate from fur as I eat therest of the animal anyway.

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