O/T Florida Weather

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Yup, BunnyMommy's in that mess too as she's inAtlanta.

How nice of you to think of them all LuvaBun. :)

Bad weather? Really? I'm a bit behind up here in Canada, perhaps watching the news would be good for me, lol!

I'm also kind of wondering where the Edmontonians of this board havebeen lately, wondering if perhaps the 'flood' there has claim theircomputers or perhaps just their time.

Weird weather all over lately! Tornado warnings here 2 weeks ago andthen frost warnings 2 days later! lol, what' this world coming to?!
Wow! This had beenpushed back to page two and I missed it. Here in Jacksonville we gotthrough the storm without a hitch. We actually had moreproblems when Bonnie rolled through earlier in the week bringingtornados into town. I had my kids and animals all packed into aninterior hallway with doors closed on all sides for about 30 minutesuntil I knew the twisters had headed north of us.

As far as Charley goes, it went rightthrough where a lot of my family lives. My aunt had some windows blownout, and one of her favorite trees ripped out of the ground. My cousinhad his fence torn down and some damage to his car.

My parents had the shed ripped off ofwhere they keep their motorhome. The dog shed was torn to pieces. Somedamage to their pool screen. Their electricity was restored by 8:30 amthe next morning.

The worst part of it was the fact that myson was on a visitation weekend with his biological father. He was soscared when the electricity went off in the middle of the night and hecouldn't find his father in the house. The wind sounds scared him aswell. Their electricity didn't get turned back on until long into thenext day. My son went to stay at his paternal grandparents' house thenext day, because he didn't want to sleep at his father's house anothernight, poor kid :(.

As for me, I was on the phone constantly with all of them.
I'm glad you and your family are all safe :D.Like Luvabun I'd been thinking about all of you in Florida.Itgets said a lot but I do think of the people on this forum as a kind ofextended family, so many people added to my list of those I care about.

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