I really do believe it's the teachers fault that my gradewas so low in the first place. She gave us excerpts from old English30-1 Diploma exams and took them in for marks! She should have beengiving us old English 20-1 exams and taking those in for marks instead.I find that really unfair since I got 39% on one because I didn't havea clue what the question was asking.
She's a doctor of English (seriously) so she's very well educated andis a really hard marker. I ended up getting plenty of 60's on essaysbecause she marked so hard. I really did try my hardest but I didn'tseem to improve until I stopped caring. Once I stopped caring the wordsflowed freely and it made sense.
I didn't believe I did a very good job on my English in-class essayjust because I didn't think the examples were described enough but itjust goes to show that a different person marking will make a hugedifference.
I'm pleased that my mark is exactly the same as it was at the end of English 10-1 and didn't fall at all.
Thanks for your congratulations. I'm very proud of myself and that Imanaged to pull myself out of the hole before it was toolate.