O/T Cats vs. Dogs

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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2005
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Something interesting I found...

Cats vs. Dogs

In Japan, two cats peed on a fax machine,sparking a fire that extensively damaged their owner'shouse.

Cats are truly a menace. Allow them to share your home at your own risk.

Cats are also a femtastic hobby. Do youhave any buddies who are cat enthusiasts? What happened to them? Wheredid they go wrong?

Do you have any buddies with otherfemtastic hobbies? What are they hobbies and were did they pick themup? Have they been able to turn a pink and pretty hobby into somethingfun and tough?
Fire investigators have concluded that thefire was caused by a spark generated when the urine soaked themachine's electrical printing mechanism and blew up the machine. Thefire damaged the kitchen and living room before it was put out by thehouse's owner, who was treated for mild smoke inhalation. The cats, ofcourse, quickly ran to safety.

"If you have a cat, or a dog for that matter, becareful where they urinate," a fire department spokesman said."Especially keep them away from electrical appliances andwires."

Dogs vs. Cats

Are there more dogs or cats owned in the United States?

Answer: Cats (77.6 million cats and 65 million dogs)
Do more households own at least one cat or at least one dog?

Answer: Dogs (39% own at least one dog, 34% own at least one cat)
Which animal incurs greater veterinary expense?

Answer: Dogs (dog owners spent $263 on veterinaryrelated expenses in the past 12 months. Cat owners spent$113)
By the Numbers...

On average, owners have almost two dogs (1.6).

On average, owners have two cats (2.2).

Thanks toMatt Bett
Premiere Radio Networks • 15260 Ventura Blvd • Sherman Oaks, CA 91403

That's rude! :X Cats aren't menaces I happen tohave 2 myself and they're angels. :angel: Okay so not really but catsare great. People shouldn't say that because of a fluke thing thathappened. Hmm...dogs are more expensive? Yeah they are but I still lovethem. :D

That is interesting Kricket thank you! :)
I had heard about that. Talk about a freak occurance :shock:

You know, I figured out why so many people just don't like cats.Because cats, unlike dogs, will not lavish affection and attention onanyone that so much as looks at them the right way.

Nothing against dogs ;), but with cats, its a relationship, it takes time, and you get out of it what you put into it.

~ Emily, proud to call herself a cat lady
My oldest Daughter hadan Iguana potty on her computermonitor one day and it shorted outthe monitor lol I hadtold her repeatedly not to let thelizards up there , just for that reasonlol sop phttttttttttttttttt onpeople who claim its only Catswho short circut systems .
Oh, I have a funny cat thing going on in my townright now. The lady who is head of Town Counsel is trying tomake everyone put collars and licenses on their cats. Sheclaims there are too many stray cats and they are causing tons ofproblems in the town. Meanwhile, I've lived here with my Momfor over a year and I've never seen what I would call a"stray". I've seen what are obviously cats who are owned bysomeone and go outside, but no strays.

It cracks me up.

Femtastic... I may have to use that word. But ina more woman-liking way, obviously. I wonder if I should tell mybrother and two of my male coworkers that they have femtastic hobbies?
LOL...I have two cats, one dog, and they all ownme. One cat is infamous for his peeing habits ("what...me use a litterbox? That's just for lowly felines, not regal sorts like moi"). He wasnever properly trained as a kitten (thus the reason, I think, why hisprevious owners got so frustrated with him), and so it is a constantbattle in my house: "Fritz! NO!!! Don't go there!!!" anda mad dash to get him back to the litter box.Tasha, on theother hand, is a perfect little lady, always uses the litter box, butalso tends to strettttchhhhh her body out wherever she chooses...on thetable, on the computer desk, in the laundry basket...and so our houseand clothing are always showing evidence of cat hair. She also has theweird habit of chewing on plastic bags, so I have to make sure allgrocery bags are always out of her reach (this was learned after arather expensive trip to the vet to unblock her digestive tract fromplastic she had eaten when I wasn't looking).

Then there's Kaya, my dog....she is perfectlyhousetrained,but the biggest food thief I've ever seen. Leavean avocado on the counter, way at the back? She somehow manages toreach it. Leave a burger on the stove in the pan? (My son didthata while ago after he'd cooked a meal for himself.) Itwill disappear faster than you can blink an eye. Walk down the streetwith her on a leash and someone passes by with a slice of pizza or ahot dog? Kaya does an instant U-turn and becomes a press-on shadow tothem. When she first saw Rufus (the bunny I used to own) she wouldstand outside of his cage and drool would literally pour from hermouth...till Iexplained to her that bunny does not equatesnack. (Thankfully, she later became buddies with him and the two wouldplay together in the yard.)

And Rufus...he was the first rabbit I ever met who seemed to have avendetta against a specific human...my son. Those two never got along,even though my son did try at first. I could pick Rufus up and talk tohim and stroke him, and he'd lie contentedly in my lap. My son wouldpick him up and put him in his lap and within 30seconds...*crunch!*....Rufus would bite him and leap down. He alsowould specifically pick out anything Stephen owned and either pee on itor destroy it. For instance, Rufus used to have free run of thebasement in the winter...I would leave his cage door open so he couldgo in and out as he pleased. One day I went down there to find thatRufus had knocked down Stephen's 'Star Wars Monopoly' game, had openedit and had chewed up and spit out every card in the game. And the boarditself was tattooed with *Rufuschews* all along the edges. He would peeon Stephen's sneakers when he was running about upstairs, would chewhis clothes if he had access to them, and just caused total havoc toanything my son owned. Yet he never once touched anything of mine.

So I think it's an equal-opportunity thing, animals who can cause majorstress in a household. But then again, so is the love they bring withthem...so in the end it all balances out. (Somehow I haven't quiteconvinced my son of this about bunnies though, after his war withRufus... :p)

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