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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2004
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Apollo's Acres, Virginia, USA
Two days ago Jeremy found this littleguy. Jeremy loves toads so adopted this guy. He has fit right in. Heeats *very* well and has even sang for us on numerous ocassions. Jeremyhas named the little guy Chirpy. He lives up to his name as he isalways chirping or singing.

I can't get over how well Jeremy and Chirpy are together.Chirpy loves to climp to the top of Jeremy's head. Whenever Jeremy laysdown Chirpy climbs to the top of his head and justs sits there lookingover his domain. They are so cute together.




A boy and his toad.



ewwwwwww toads , ( shivers) lol If i was therethat thing would try and attackme lol, you would be amazed how many times i havehad frogs chase me out of the backyard lol they likeme about asmuch as i like them . but Jer is ahandsome fellow .
You are way too funny. Beware of whenToads Attack. If I have to choose betwen Chirpy and a possum I sayHelllo Chirpy lol. You crack me up.

AWWWW!!! i remember have frogs and toads! i wouldkiss them right on the lips! i was werid like that, lol i'd also kissfish on the lips too! LOL i'm trying to talk my parnets into letting meget a Pac Man Frog.. or these really cool blue crabs! lol
Make sure you get a quieter one thanChirpy. I never knew toads were so vocal. I also can't get over howmuch he's filled out since we got him. He's a little piggy lol.

He's adorable! I love that last picture. Everylittle boy needs a toad! :D I love the sounds they make. At our newhouse we get frogs all over the windows and I love listening to them.

he's adorable

can i ask do you have to keep him in water jeremy and does he croak all the time

where did you get him

what a buetiful pet and thanks for the reply regarding the card

varna and adrian thompkins xxxx
Cinnabun wrote:
AWWWW!!! i remember have frogs and toads! i would kissthem right on the lips! i was werid like that, lol i'd also kissfish on the lips too! LOL i'm trying to talk my parnets into letting meget a Pac Man Frog.. or these really cool blue crabs! lol
If you are weird for doing that then I guess I am too then. Ihad one for a long time names Timmy. He would return to myhome every Spring for years. Even today when I see a littletoad I have to pick it up and cuddle it for a little while. Ilove their golden-colored eyes.

it was funny... i was holding Chicco-Baby, and iwas talking to my mom and i was like "I am such a boy when it comes toanimals!" LOL because i LOVE Reptiles, LOL... but i hate feeding them!lol.. i want a little Gartner Snake! i love them! and i'd be able tohandle feeding those! lol
I was alwaysmessing with snakes, toads, lizards and the like when I was a littlegirl. I used to chase the boys with them! :shock:Sebastian'sLittle Girl is the same way. Honestly the snake thing has worn offthough... they oogey me out now.But SLGloves toads and "critters" in general.

We are forever exploring. Sometimes it'sthe backyard, sometimes the park, sometimes at the lake. I have thecutest photo of her holding a great big toad shen she was about 3 yearsold. She was wearing a little green sundress, beads around her neck,and a toad pressed to hercheek!

I'm glad Jeremy likes all critters, large and small!


Megan, how cool right outside yourwindow. He have a pond a couple yards down the road, a river across thestreet and a stream right behind my house. We love listening to all thefrogs and toads sining.

Varna and Hello Adrian I love your name, Jeremy keeps Chirpy ina big plastic container. He adds water and bugs everyday. He does makealot of noise especially when we pick him up. At night he sings forawhile. It's not really loud it's almost all the time lol.

Raspberry, I was the same way as a kid. I love snakes but asnake will never live here due to the eating thing yuk. We sound somuch alike. We are forever exploring. SLG with a big ol toad. I betthat is one adorable picture. I'd love to see that.

Wait til Daddy comes home and meets the newest family member that didn't exist when he left:D.
