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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2004
Reaction score
Apollo's Acres, Virginia, USA
Today was the most perfect day ever. Daleand I went hiking and went to the lake. After dinner we went to the TSCand got 6 tiny chicks.

We are the proud parents of 2 Rhode Island Reds, 2 BarredBantum and 2 Surprises(the staff had no clue). They are all in a pilesleeping peacefully. They have already ate, drank and went pottywithing a few minutes of being here. This set up is only temporary.

I am going to be searching tomorrow and trying to figure out mytwo little mysteries. One mystery is teeny tiny. She is dwarfed by theothers. She has really taken to the bigger mystery and hides behind herlol.

The Blonde with the pinstripes is Mystery number one.


This little black one is my Mystery number 2.


Both of our little surprises. Adorable.



I will try and get some better pictures of them.:shock::shock:They are fast. They are never still boy I blink and theyare on the opposite side or hiding under someone.


Very cute, Tina. Did you provide a heating lampfor them? If they are soiling the food and water dishes too often (theywill stand in them) you may need to go to TSC and get the ones theysupply there! You probably won't know their breed until they mature.Good luck!

Thanks. Boy you're not kidding. Littlestinkers were playing King of the Hill on the food bowl. I can now saythat six chicks can fit on top of their food bowl. So far we have pooaround the bowls not in them. I will definitely be keeping an eye on itthank you.

They do have a heating lamp. They look so cute piled up on topof each other under it lol. I'm thinking of going back to the TSC andgetting 2 more mysteries to match the ones I have.

Thanks. Yup the ducks were there. I amgoing this weekend hopefully to go get them. I can't explain it butthey just pull at my heart strings. There was a pen today with tons ofducklings and they were cute but I couldn't wait to check on my two.Iwanted to get the chicks home and settled.

I have the coolest landlord. When Dale builds me mycoop he's going to be building the landlord one as well. We are bothgetting chickens. Remember the Cochins I've beengoing onabout. We are splitting a varied order this summer.

I love these little ones. Whenever I talk to them I get a chorus of cheeps back. OMG They flop like bunnies.

I think I have a few pictures that showtheir colors a bit better. Sleepy chicks are so much easier to takepictures of.;)





The rest of their pics will be on Apollo's Acres. Can't wait toshow Wollo. Every time they cheep that big ear comes up lol.

Awwww, they're such dolls! You said that they were in a big heap under neath the lamp, that might be a sign that they're cold.

What beauties! We might be getting ducks as well. Sounds like Dale'll be busy! Keep those dolls' pictures comin'!:cool:

Love the colors on these two troublemakers.


'Pollo's such a baby. If these Flemish ever know how scary they are, I wonder how it would change their personalities.


Aww sweet. Itook ina chickonce after its mother had been run over, i looked after it for threedays then i took it to the RSPCA to be put with a elder. Luckly shelooked after it as if it were her own. Animal relationships are somagical.
Ellie, that's what we thought too. Butthen I thought about it and all three pens were literally full ofchicks. Even with the heat lamp registering 92* in the pen they sleepin a pile. They are so much fun.

Carolyn, Amber and Sassy, such attitude in such a little body lol.

If these Flemish ever know how scary they are, I wonder how it would change their personalities.
I doubt it. They'd be scared of themselves LOL. Such a silly boy.
