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Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2005
Reaction score
Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
I've noticed that some of you give your rabbits nutri cal.
Do you put it on their food or do the eat the paste straight, also is the purpose you give it to improve their nutrition?
From what I understand Nutrical is used to boosta bunnies system when they are in need due to an illness or acondition. I don't think it is used as a supplement. A healthy bunreally does not need any kind of supplements.

It is given orally. It can be placed on their front paws and then theywill lick it off. It can also be administered directly or on food.

I think it can most commonly be found in the pet store with the cat or dog products. It's also available online.

Doseage depends on the condition and the bun.

:~) Jim
It was suggested on the this board to try it onmy 20 day old kit who was fading or I guess you could say has "failureto thrive".

As far as I can tell, it's working. Kit is spunkier and seems healthier. We have renewed hope.
I've found it very helpful for rabbits that areold and are no longer metabolizing their regular food well.Some rabbits will eat it if placed on their food. For others,it can be administered by syringe.

Also good for "faders" or rabbits that have been ill and are off their feed or stressed and not eating.

The product is very high in calories, so should not be given to a healthy rabbit that is eating well.


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