nursing mom losing weight

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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2008
Reaction score
west point, California, USA
Jezebel's babies are one week old today. They are doing well, but Jezebel seems to be losing weight. It's hard to say how much. I only had her a week before she had the babies. I didn't weigh her afterwards, but her ribs feel a bit more prominnet. I am free feeding Oxbow 15/25, oat hay and alfalfa. She gets a salad in the morning and a little bit of fruit a couple of times a week. Is there anything I can add to her food to help her pick up? A couple of people have told me to add some oats to her food, but I wasn't sure if that was a good idea.
I moved this over to the rabbitry section for you. The breeders will be able to give you the best advice.

Yes, oats are okay to feed to her. I know black sunflower seeds are okay too. But I'm not sure in what amounts.

Hopefully others will come along with more advice.

A agree with the Nutri Cal (for dogs/cats). Just give a little everyday until she seems to be properly maintaining her condition. Nutri Cal is an excellent source of nutrients as well as fast calories. You can find it at most pet stores.

Just curious, how is Nutri-Cal given? I know it is a paste, can you just put a dab on the feed or mix it in the feed?

I hope Jezebel picks up some weight for you, I too would recommend rolled oats for extra calories.

Good luck and keep us posted.
I squeeze a little Nutri Cal directly into the rabbit's mouth. I've had some that will eat it when it's put on top of their food.

The NutriCal works great. Gives them a little extra boost in vitamins and nutrients. Basicly squeeze a pea sized ball into their mouth, just behind the front teeth. Most rabbits will lick it right up. Hope she can maintain her weight. It's pretty demanding on the doe,nursing a litter. How do the babies look? Bellies look full?
I would also slowly introduce a higher protein pellet. It's kind of a bad time

to do it with her on a litter but I believe the protein level is too low.

BlueGiants wrote:
Basicly squeeze a pea sized ball into their mouth,
I squeeze a small amount on top of a layer of oats, then cover it with oats so it won't be so sticky and messy. Our buns would gobble it up.
werecatrising wrote:
Jezebel's babies are one week old today. They are doing well, but Jezebel seems to be losing weight. It's hard to say how much. I only had her a week before she had the babies. I didn't weigh her afterwards, but her ribs feel a bit more prominnet. I am free feeding Oxbow 15/25, oat hay and alfalfa. She gets a salad in the morning and a little bit of fruit a couple of times a week. Is there anything I can add to her food to help her pick up? A couple of people have told me to add some oats to her food, but I wasn't sure if that was a good idea.
did you up her feed? My unbred hollands get mayge 1/2 a cup of feed. My does with litters get a1 cup of feed. I also add oats(old fashion) and hay
She is free fed.She doesn't really like pellets. She is gradually starting to eat more, I am guessing she just wasn't exposed to them before. She eats a humongous amount of hay, though. That seems to be her favorite.

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