Well-Known Member
Hey guys. Well Thumper has alittle friend.I went to the petstore yesterday and all they had wasdoes.So i got a doe instead of a buck.I just had to becasue the littleone that i got was a runt. It was the smallest of the 6 other bunnysthere and i wanted to make it a buterball like thumper.When i letThumper and Faith (fay) out together thumper loved on her and cleanedher like it was HER baby. So when i went to pick fay up thumper actedlike she was going to bite me becasue i picked up HER a monstar) Then i left to get fays food bowl andect.I had them in there own cages. When i got home i let them playagian. thumper bit fay! but didnt hurt her (i
[align=left]checked.) I guess she was telling fay that shes theboss. or something. But she dose play with her and lick her its justwhen fay goes anywear near her cage or me lol..[/align]
[align=left]| Ashley *Thumper* LilFay|[/align]
[align=left]P.s ill be getting pics soon. its hectac over here at the moment![/align]
[align=left]checked.) I guess she was telling fay that shes theboss. or something. But she dose play with her and lick her its justwhen fay goes anywear near her cage or me lol..[/align]
[align=left]| Ashley *Thumper* LilFay|[/align]
[align=left]P.s ill be getting pics soon. its hectac over here at the moment![/align]