Now i have 2!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Reaction score
Jacksonville, Florida, USA
Hey guys. Well Thumper has alittle friend.I went to the petstore yesterday and all they had wasdoes.So i got a doe instead of a buck.I just had to becasue the littleone that i got was a runt. It was the smallest of the 6 other bunnysthere and i wanted to make it a buterball like thumper.When i letThumper and Faith (fay) out together thumper loved on her and cleanedher like it was HER baby. So when i went to pick fay up thumper actedlike she was going to bite me becasue i picked up HER a monstar) Then i left to get fays food bowl andect.I had them in there own cages. When i got home i let them playagian. thumper bit fay! but didnt hurt her (i

[align=left]checked.) I guess she was telling fay that shes theboss. or something. But she dose play with her and lick her its justwhen fay goes anywear near her cage or me lol..[/align]

[align=left]| Ashley *Thumper* LilFay|[/align]

[align=left]P.s ill be getting pics soon. its hectac over here at the moment![/align]
HI there,

You must be very excited.....Did you get Fay in the same pet shop asThumper? How old is Fay, and how can you tell if she might bea he? Is Fay a mini Lop also?

I only have one bunny now.......but have been checking out the animalshelters for a suitable companion for Pebbles. Sheis very happy to be by herself so I might not get anotherone. However, after Easter, the animalshelter might be full of bunnies.

Can't wait to see your pictures!

Rainbows! :)
well... I had a 9 week oldbunny it was a holland that cost 25$. nope i got it from a diffrentpetstore. When i got up this morning i noticed fay had a servere eyeinfection and you could count all of her bones.We only have 3 vetsaround here that will take it but there 30$ just to walk in the dangvet.So my MOM made me take her back and get anthore one.So this one is11 weeks old and looks really healthy her name is also Fay for the timebeing. I hope you guys dont hate me becasue of what my mom made me only 17 i have no choose i live with her lol.

Ashley Thumper Fay

here is a pic of fay #1 she looks 3 weeks old. not 9 dosnt she?

Ill get pics of the other one today sometime
i heard you are sposed to take them home at 8weeks old. but that little bunny in the picture looks really young tome like it should still be with her mommy so i took her back to thepetstore and i got a eleven week old bunny im about to take a pic ofher and put it on the fourm. Under this categorie

ashley thump lilfay
Bramble Briar86 wrote:
I've always heard that you take a kit home at seven weeks,getting them at five weeks is still dangerous to their health??? i'm,again, not sure; it wasn't a very correct book i pulled this from.

Some does wean their kit as early as 3 weeks, but most people would recommend not selling them until 6 weeks.

SLRabbits wrote:
Bramble Briar86 wrote:
I'vealways heard that you take a kit home at seven weeks, getting them atfive weeks is still dangerous to their health??? i'm, again, not sure;it wasn't a very correct book i pulled this from.

Some does wean their kit as early as 3 weeks, but most people would recommend not selling them until 6 weeks.

Thanks, Nichole.

This was the bookt hat said that kits were "pups" so i knew something was wrong.

here is them together.thumper really dosnt mindher.. SEE thumpers face her expression looks like " im tierd im goingto lay down with my mummy and you can do whatever just leave me and mymummie alone!"
um i hateto dispute teh pet store that sold youthat bunny but i have 4 weekof kits that same size, who ever dropped them off forsale should have thestupid slapped right off them, that baby shouldnever have been away from itsmother grrrrrrrrr

witch one... The black and white one or the otherone. they told me the black and white one was 9 weeks old and that wasBULL! and they said this one is 11 weeks and i think it is 8 or so..ill never go back there agian. Thumper loves her though:) for nowanyways

IluvBunniez wrote:
they said this one is 11 weeks and i think it is 8 or so
The other one did look about 3-4wks old, this one looks more like 6wks, but they are weaned by then so that's not a problem. Glad to hearthey are getting along!

Thank you so much for that information.

The 1st onethought one of my fingers was her bottle orsomething.this one has no problem eating her food,or drinking or eatinher vitamens.I have her a little tiny peice of a carrot and she seemdto have no problem( but im not going to give her anymore i dont know imsposed to give them carrots so young). Dosnt that mean when they thinkyour fingers are there mommys way to feed them or a bottle that theywere taken from her too soon?

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