Notes from a Hermit

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Hi guys. :)

Not many of you may know it, or even realize...but I am quite the solitary person. I rarely leave the house (maybe once every couple weeks), and I don't really go out into many social situations. I more like to keep to myself and my family and my home.

I found Rabbits Online over two years ago, in doing research for bringing our Maisie home...and kinda never left the site. I found myself completely enthralled with the site, mostly due to its overabundance of friendly, welcoming, caring people. And thus the next two years found me at the computer about 4-5hrs a day, chatting it up in various posts, creating my own about our bunnies and our family, and eventually becomming a Host, then a Mod, and then a Sr.Mod, and spending most of my time doing things for the forum. I've spent hours and hours (and sometimes days) doing things that most members probably didn't even realize.

I found myself more and more thinking so much of the forum, becomming so concerned for this or that member, and this or that bunny, that I found myself getting distracted from "real life" outside the forum. The forum kinda took over.

Now, that's not to say that it took over my main jobs as a mother and wife. I still did everything my buns needed, everything my daughter and husband's just that I was spending so much time on the forum, I kinda lost myself in it. I became more and more hermitty here in my house. Less and less wanting to leave, go into other social situations, etc.

So, here I am...I've had an incredible past few days, done an immense amount of deep soul-searching, thinking about my life, and how I'd like it to be...and I've come to a big decision.

I realized that I need to make a drastic, yet healthy change, so I've decided to take a leave of absense from the forum. I don't know how long this leave will be...could be months...could be weeks...but it's something I need to force myself to do. I need to get away from this computer, and get out into the sunshine and fresh air. I need to get myself out and into more social situations where I can meet people, and be more outgoing. The more I do this, the healthier I'll be, and the more I will thrive as a person.

I would love for anyone that I am friends with to continue emailing me (or start, if you haven't ever emailed me before), and would love to keep knowing how your buns are, and of course, you too! My email address is [email protected] if anyone desires to drop me a line.

But...I won't be here...and I don't know for how long. Mod crew, feel free to give me whatever title this corresponds to. :)

Boy, it was a wonderful two years, guys. Thanks for making Rabbits Online such a wonderful place!!

Hugs to all of you and many wonderful wishes for your lives and families,


P.S. In the immoral words of Douglas Adams: So long, and thanks for all the fish. :)
Hi Rosie! I'm glad to hear that you'll be making some changes for a better life. That's always a good thing to strive towards! I'm sorry we won't see you online for a while, but your happiness and well being is more important of course. When you're ready, do you think you'll come back? It would be sad not to see you on here ever again and not hear stories and see pictures of your bunnies. I will send you e-mails, I especially want to know how things with Teddy are coming along! Today we finally established that Maddox Monroe will be flying home on Saturday, April 19th and tomorrow I finally get to make the flight arrangements for him. Then only 3 weeks until he's HERE! I hope your Teddy makes his way to you soon and you get to your new house and Audrey, Billy and Harley can join you soon.

Also, thanks for everything you've done in helping run the forum! There's always so much behind the scenes stuff that most people never think of.
Ah Rosie, as the saying goes, 'Been there, done that'. LOL I used to belong to a forum a few years ago that all but consumed my every waking moment. And I too had to take a break, just to be able to find myself again.

I know I haven't been on here very much lately, but I'll still miss your presence. :) May your break be a truly enjoyable one...and now that Spring has arrived (well, here it's attempting to show up; it's still lurking beneath the mounds of snow, working on digging itself free), get out and enjoy yourself!

Bunny hugs, :bunnyhug:

~Di and the crew
Just wanted to say I understand all too well....

I wish for me I could get out more...but I don't find the chances are there so I am at least trying to do things I can to make it better. I hope this works for you and you get out of it what you need...that your days become brighter and of luck to you.
Hugs Rosie go take a walk along the beach for me :DAnd think how nice your lovely weather is compared to mine :pEnjoy all that is where you live I loved it and just wished i had been therelonger and we had the chance to meet up.

Enjoy yourself. :biggrin2:

I can't say I've been there myself like that, but I have gone through the stage (in fact, still going through lol) of doing nothing but being on the internet all day every day, and you're right, it's not healthy.

I'm gonna really miss you being about here so much, but I think you're doing the right thing for yourself...

Take care of yourself and I hope to see you around here sometimes! :hug:

And yes, as Bassetluv said, thank you for everything you've done for the forum, you're one of the people that makes this place what it is- happy friendly and caring :)

Jen xx
I think I'm gonna' cry!I will miss you and your contributions deeply.I understand and support what you are doing. You need to come first.

If you hear a scrabbling noise at your front door, it's me sneaking in to steal your cats....
I'm proud of you, you've got guts! A good break will be awesome for you. Spend time with your family and the furkids and get out and enjoy life more. It sounds so much fun!

With Ryan and I getting our house on Tuesday...I am going to be busy for a while with decorating and such. I am also planning on gardening and getting a nice tan this summer in my new house! I can't wait to take a break from forums either. We'll...I might need a gardening forum to guide me :cool:.

Oh, Rosie, I'm so sad to see you take a leave, but I know you need it and most importantly-deserve it, for you!

Please keep us posted, I will email you dear.

Take care,

Rosie you deserve time for yourself!!! And your family of course and your daughter!!! Thank you for everything you've done <3. Please check in on us every now and again and make sure we don't go astray....

You will be missed!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

Tracy (and NEMO!)
Immoral words? :p

Anyhow, Rosie, you know I'll miss you and I hope that things for you balance out more.

Thanks for your sweet words, guys. It was really nice to login and check my thread, and find so many wonderful people being so encouraging.

An update...

I've been doing really great! I haven't yet been able to fully start the daily walks (as I have to iron out things with my cell phone to be sure it's functional, as it's a bit on the broken side, haha), but as soon as that's figured out, I'll be out there everyday with Em, enjoying the trees and flowers and sunshine! :)

I've made it a point to get out more, and be more social. I've written to some friends that I lost track of, and am making plans to hang out with them. :)

It's been really nice to spend more time with Em and the buns and Danny, though. It's been a breath of fresh air!

I've been thinking, I probably don't have to be off the computer completely...but definitely limit my time (and with a timer, lol) so that I'm only spending a max of an hour. :)

So, I'm stinkin' around, guys! But I won't be on nearly as much. No worries, though...I'm the same ol' Rosie! :)


I didn't think you could stay away for I'm not surprised to see you back.

Have you heard of Flylady? Yeah - she's about housekeeping a lot - but basically she talks a lot about using a timer to manager your time and your day. Her philosophy is to break things down into 15 minute increments and use a timer to remind you to get moving again. I've used bits and pieces of her system before and it was a big help...I need to use it again.

You'll find more information about her at ~ and you don't have to use her timer (although I hope to get one of hers someday).

If you want to follow her homemaking tips too - this is a cool spot on the site:

I'm trying to set up my day into some routines....morning, afternoon, evening, etc.

Not going so hot right now - but hey - at least I'm trying!

I'm glad you're reaching out to others and making more "real life" friends there near you.....I know that's something I need to do too.

I am so glad you are back! I told you limiting your time on here helps sooo much! Sometimes a short break helps soooo much. Even of it is just a week. Or even the weekend. Though have to say it was you spent atleast 4-6 hrs on the phone with me.

As a treat I will take a picture of my NIC I lucked out getting. You know the purple ones.


Those are good tips...I'll check out her site. Thanks!

And yeah, it's been really nice to make friends outside the computer. They're so much more reliable and it's really much easier to tell what they're like in person. Nothing can be hidden very easily when you're able to talk in person and see a person's home, and family, firsthand! :)
JadeIcing wrote:
maherwoman wrote:
Nothing can be hidden very easily when you're able to talk in person and see a person's home, and family, firsthand! :)
Soooo..when you and Em ccoming for a visit?
ROFLOL....tomorrow?? :biggrin2:

But I would have to bring the whole crew...are you prepared for 13 houseguests? :biggrin2: