Active Member
Our Rabbit Alex, has just jumped out of my arms, he landed on all four on our kitchen floor, and he appears to have taken a nail off, infact he finished it off and ate it,which is now bleeding (seems to be stopping). We have cleaned the area with hibiscrub. Question is, does he need vetinary treatment or not?
- Location - UK
- Description (Breed, color., weight) - English Spot, 2.5kgs
- Age - 9 months old
- spayed/neutered? Yes
- Notes on Fecal and Urinary Output
- Medical History -- N/A
- Diet - what does your bunny eat? - Rabbit food and fresh veggies
- when and what did s/he eat last? Not too long ago
- movement - any unusual movements? Is s/he hopping normally? Appears to be hopping normally
- any weight loss? N/A
- are there any plants, chocolate or other substances within reach? No
- has the rabbit been outdoors? Yes, he lives outside
What do you think?
- Location - UK
- Description (Breed, color., weight) - English Spot, 2.5kgs
- Age - 9 months old
- spayed/neutered? Yes
- Notes on Fecal and Urinary Output
- Medical History -- N/A
- Diet - what does your bunny eat? - Rabbit food and fresh veggies
- when and what did s/he eat last? Not too long ago
- movement - any unusual movements? Is s/he hopping normally? Appears to be hopping normally
- any weight loss? N/A
- are there any plants, chocolate or other substances within reach? No
- has the rabbit been outdoors? Yes, he lives outside
What do you think?