Not sure what sex my 'girl' bunny is!!

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Jul 6, 2010
Reaction score
Buckinghamshire, , United Kingdom
Hi all!

I am new to this forum and will post in the newbie bit to introduce myself but I was just wondering if anyone could give me a hand sexing my bunny as I bought her as a she and now I think she might be a he? I've decided to get into Mini Lop bunnies and have a few young girls I'm growing on, as well as a young buck. I had a double check of the babies (8 weeks old) and my bella looks more like my buck!! Bella is coming up to 6 months old and I was planning on breeding her with my BEW lop. She has no obvious lump bits that my 10 month old BEW buck does however?! Can anyone help please? I'm pretty sure shes a he and not a she :( Sorry for the graphic pictures!!



This is a picture of one of my does - I don't think they look similar at all (Very buck like!)


Thank you for any advice xxx
In the second picture it looks very much like a doe to me. If she is six months and there are no visible testicles I would lean towards thinking it's a doe:)
I'm not an expert, but I would say that's a doe. I can't see the photos too well on my computer screen, it's too sunny in here, but I'd say it's a girl
Lol I like that, I'll be thinking Tacos and donuts next time I go out to harrass the buns!
Thanks all for your comments, I really wasn't sure. I can't feel/see any testicules or lumpy bits so then I just got really confused.
Could there be any reason she runs away screeching from my buck then? He mounts her but before he's done she high tails it or starts screaming and it is really not a nice noise! I've tried free range-take-it-nicely approach, and in his cage where she can't get away but nothing changes. Should I just let her screech? She is 6 months old now.
Thank you xx
Ok thanks, thats really helpful. I'll just leave them to it then until its done. I just felt really mean hearing her scream like that!
I went out and looked at my 7week old bunnies, 2 are definately girls (tacos) and I'm thinking one is a boy which is not good as he was sold as a she to me. Donut shape, not taco. I'm trying to get a picture to show but my camera is playing up.
Thanks all for your kind replies! I had a closer look at her yesterday and she is definately a she - taco shaped not donut :) And I'm also thinking is she has taken already they must had done it when I wasn't looking! It would make sense as well why she is suddenly eating like a horse!
Thanks :D
Hehehe it happens a lot. My vet even incorrectly sexed my rabbit :expressionlessAh well... I was wondering though... Is your girl a magpie? I love her coloring. :biggrin:
hehe thanks yes I think she is a Magpie - she has a split face of colour, one side is cream and the other is blue/grey. I love her colours and I would love to get that colour in Mini lops too!

Here she is from the front:


Ah ah, she should be a japanese harlequin I think. Her colors seem faded so I'm not sure what they call that. She's gorgeous!