Not Maturing?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2013
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I have two rabbits,a 1 year old Satin and a 8 month old Dutch both males.

Recently my satin(Clark) has just gotten neutered and is fine but I can't bind him with Lewis(my dutch) until I get him fixed as well. There's just one problem. Lewis isn't showing signs of maturing.

At all!

He hasn't gotten bigger(only a little longer) and his temperament hasn't changed. He doesn't spray(I can live without that)hump or rub his chin in anything. The thing that worries me the most is that his genitals aren't maturing. Clark's genitals are a reddish-pink and have since swollen up a bit since I first got him(and by swollen up I mean gotten bigger no infection) but Lewis's have stayed a skin colored pink and are still very small. I'm worried something might be wrong with him? Is this normal?
Size of testicle can vary. At 8mos old your rabbit is fully grown. He most likely will only gain weight as fat instead of actual skeletal growth. As long as his testicles are dropped a vet can perform the neuter.

The testicles should be a bright pink color. Sometimes they can have darker pigment depending on the color of the rabbit. They should not be red in color or swollen.
Size of testicle can vary. At 8mos old your rabbit is fully grown. He most likely will only gain weight as fat instead of actual skeletal growth. As long as his testicles are dropped a vet can perform the neuter.

The testicles should be a bright pink color. Sometimes they can have darker pigment depending on the color of the rabbit. They should not be red in color or swollen.

By swollen I meant that they had grown larger as Clark aged. His genitals are a bright pink and have a reddish tinge. If they were RED red I'd probably start panicking. Lewis's testicals haven't dropped and look relatively the same as when I bought him.
As far as disposition it can vary. Not every rabbit reads the same book. Since you have two males and no females in the home then there is nothing for them to compete against. Spraying (marking) is territorial behavior and can also be done when in the presence of a female. Some males have a stronger desire to mark or hump and some have less. It varies with each rabbit and I would find it as a blessing more than weird. My frenchie would hump me and that is something I definitely dont miss.

I personally wouldn't worry. I dont notice my bucks having a change in testicle size as they grow but I dont really pay attention too hard. As long as they arent red/irritated or swollen then they sound fine to me
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Are you sure he is male? Rabbits can be tricky to sex and even experienced rabbit people can get it wrong from time to time. I would suggest getting him checked to be sure.

If the testicles haven't dropped yet, they probably won't. You can still get him neutered, but it is more invasive, more like a spay. They testicles can become cancerous if left inside, so best to get them out sooner rather than later.
Pretty summed it up I'd have a vet check and see if a neuter can be done--they can palpitate and find them if they are up inside. One of our dogs only had one descend and they had to hunt down the other one--the chance of cancer is really high.

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