Ok, I got my rabbit about a month ago, he is 5 months old. When we first got him, he was eating... alooot of pellets, well I took him to the vet and the vet said not so many pellets, that he needs mostly hay, and I can start introducing him to vegtables which he had never had with his current owner. I introduced carrots first, and now brocolli, he seems to do fine with both. Well, when we got him he chewed on his little wood blocks, tried to chew cords (we bunny proofed EVERYthing), and he loved chewing!! He went through several of the straw balls the first few days. Now he doesn't want to chew at all unless it's to eat. He has no interest at all! So now I'm worried about his teeth because I know they need to chew in order to keep the filed down. My husband seems to think I'm starving him because the previous owner gave him a huge bowl of pellets and kept them in there, and now he runs around our feet and is always begging for them. But I always keep fresh hay in there which he also loves, and I do give the 1/4 a cup I've seen on google in the mornings, but I give him the the small amounts of vegetables the other two feedings. Only about the size of my thumb or smaller since he is still new to it. Is it okay that he has stopped chewing on things?? Sorry this was so long! :help