Well-Known Member
My litter of havanas (8 kindled, 6 surviving) is about...5 turning 6 days old and I've seen a problem.
My hotot litter, I've seen the doe in the box feeding and caring for the babies, nearly every night as her cage faces the door. Our havana is in a larger cage and I have to walk in to see her so thus I have not seen her in the box with them.
But I checked the babies (every day) but today noticed that they seemed small. Not really in bone size, enough though one looks like a runt, but they seem like they have not been fed their bellies were quite skinny and they all seemed a bit scrawny.
Now, we took the box out and took the doe out. We checked her teats and all of them looked like a normal shade of pink and each one produced milk when pinched. So we placed the doe in the box and right away she nursed them without issue (even with us both there).
The runt had issues, he was pushed out of the bunch a few times while they nursed and seemed a little out of it.
So the doe was finished and hopped out and we checked the babies, all had large to very large full bellies, except the runt.
We then in turn put the doe on her back
and I held the baby while my fiance held the doe and tried to see if it would nurse. (Lanna, the doe was WONDERFUL about this too) Right away the little one went to town and after eating had a nice full belly.
Now, to me it seems as though she must have fed them at least once since they were born, as I would have thought that they would've died by now if not. Plus she was eager to nurse them when we set her in the box. But doe it seem like she's not doing her job 100% since they were so skinny? She's just over a year old and has had litters before, she seems to be in the peak of health and eats wonderfully; but the babies just seem so thin (before we had her nurse them).
What would be the best course of action if they continue not to thrive?
I'm worried about the runt, it wants to eat and is very active, but gets sidelined at meal time. I was thinking about fostering it to my hotot litter since the hotot doe has been wonderful with her two, but they're older than the havanas and I would think that's too far apart in age? (havanas are 6 days, hotots are at 10 days of age) Or I could hand feed the runt, or even the whole litter if they don't start to look better. But I want them to really stay on their mother's milk. OR I could just place the doe into the box like we did today and make sure she feeds them...but then I don't want her to start disliking the nest....
Sorry if that's so long and hard to read, I'm just quite puzzled by this. :?
My hotot litter, I've seen the doe in the box feeding and caring for the babies, nearly every night as her cage faces the door. Our havana is in a larger cage and I have to walk in to see her so thus I have not seen her in the box with them.
But I checked the babies (every day) but today noticed that they seemed small. Not really in bone size, enough though one looks like a runt, but they seem like they have not been fed their bellies were quite skinny and they all seemed a bit scrawny.
Now, we took the box out and took the doe out. We checked her teats and all of them looked like a normal shade of pink and each one produced milk when pinched. So we placed the doe in the box and right away she nursed them without issue (even with us both there).
The runt had issues, he was pushed out of the bunch a few times while they nursed and seemed a little out of it.
We then in turn put the doe on her back
Now, to me it seems as though she must have fed them at least once since they were born, as I would have thought that they would've died by now if not. Plus she was eager to nurse them when we set her in the box. But doe it seem like she's not doing her job 100% since they were so skinny? She's just over a year old and has had litters before, she seems to be in the peak of health and eats wonderfully; but the babies just seem so thin (before we had her nurse them).
What would be the best course of action if they continue not to thrive?
I'm worried about the runt, it wants to eat and is very active, but gets sidelined at meal time. I was thinking about fostering it to my hotot litter since the hotot doe has been wonderful with her two, but they're older than the havanas and I would think that's too far apart in age? (havanas are 6 days, hotots are at 10 days of age) Or I could hand feed the runt, or even the whole litter if they don't start to look better. But I want them to really stay on their mother's milk. OR I could just place the doe into the box like we did today and make sure she feeds them...but then I don't want her to start disliking the nest....
Sorry if that's so long and hard to read, I'm just quite puzzled by this. :?