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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
Reaction score
Fordoche, Louisiana, USA

*Flails arms*

*Stomps madly*


That... that...THAT THING took Holly off of petfinder!!!!! NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

*Seriously ready to cry*

Sorry for the new post, but I... whatever.

For those wondering who Holly is:

I guess this really means that I'm not getting her...

I'm so devastated....


I am soooo sorry! I can't believe that they did that to you. I personally make it a priority to update the petfinder page of my rescue. I dont want people to get their hopes up and then get let down. It is a poor way of doing things.

Maybe you can find an even better rabbit closer to you?
*Pouts* I wanted Holly. I felt such a connection to her!

I can't believe this girl led me on for 3 days, only to dissapear and take Holly off the site. I can't understand it. It's just so wrong... (childish sounding, I know). But it truly is wrong to do that to someone! I wanted her so badly, and I had my hopes up so much.
Yeah, I know. She's a friend of mine, and she's received a few of my "rescues". She doesn't have anybody that interests me. She did have a female lionhead awhile back named Angel, but I didn't feel that interested in her. *Sigh*
I'm not sure... in her e-mail, she claims she is on vacation in New Mexico. That's about all she said when I told her I wanted Holly. I'm not sure if she changed her mind (thanks for telling me!) or adopted her out to someone else (again, thanks for telling me!), or whatever else happened.
Could it possibly be that she took her off the site knowing you were interested? Did you specify in the message which bunny you were interested in?
Oh, I would be so angry if I were you.I guess we should all hope thatmaherwomanis right. Regardless, I would contact the shelter that she fosters for and file some sort of complaint.
Yeah, I agree with bunnydude...I would file a complaint, too. And I would also let them know that you've been trying to contact her and mentioned in your message this specific bunny, and because she didn't bother to get back to you or inform you that she WOULDN'T be able to get back with you, the bunny got sold/given to someone else.

I would wait to see if that's what happened first, just in case its that she took the bun off the site because she knew you were interested, but yeah, if that's not the case, I would file a complaint.

Here's hoping...I'll keep my fingers crossed!! Let us know what happens. :)

We're rootin' for ya!!!
I'm sorry. But hopefully she just took her down because she knows you are interested. I agree it was a rude response, but maybe it came across different than the way she meant it. I know when I'm on vacation my brain sorta dies. Its possible she had a minute and thought she would send you a quick e-mail to let you know she got your request and she is going to get back to you when she is back. I'm sorry she was rude to you, there are nicer ways she could have worded it.

**Fingers crossed that everything works out**


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