No rabbit yet but definitly in the future

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Mar 11, 2011
Reaction score
Northeast, Kansas, USA
Hello everyone I'm Sarah.

I have had rabbits in the past, as in they were kept at my dad's and I hopefully got to see them every other weekend ifI waslucky:p. These included a random rabbit found in his yard; 2 Satins; 2 French Lops (loved them to death!) ; a English spot (I think that's the right name) ; and another mixed rabbit that you had no way of identifying. This was of course over a2-4 year time period. One rabbit we discovered but never got was a Flemish Giant and that is definitely going to be my first actual bunny that I get to keep. I have2 lovely male chinchillas at the moment, a Fox Trotter, and 2 mutt dogs. I'm on my way to college so the Giant won't be for a while but I figured it was a good idea to know everything before getting it.:p Well that's it for now. Can't wait to learn! Toodles.
Welcome Sarah, by the time you are able to get your bun, you'll be very knowledgeable in rabbits if you stay here long. These folks really know their stuff!

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