No pet shops sell alfalfa hay where i live for my 7 week old bunny.

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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2011
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UK, , United Kingdom
I have a 7 week old bunny, and i have been looking in all the pet shops where i live for alfalfa hay and not one shop sells it. I want to get some online, but it's all really expensive. I have got her some alfalfa cubes but she doesn't like them and just leaves them. I was just wondering, is it OK to feed my bunny meadow hay instead? She has pellets for young rabbits but will she need alfalfa hay?
This is what my research has told me::::::

I think introducing Timothy hay in small amounts while still leaving some alfalfa available is safe. Just be slow in the introduction and watch for any changes in eating or elimination. Alfalfa is fattening and adult rabbits can be fed too much. Technically it is only good for babies. Some owners find it difficult to wean adults off alfalfa so it might be a blessing in disguise that your bun doesn't like it :) there is no proof that alfalfa is needed for babies.

Good luck!
It should be fine. Hay is mainly for pushing the nutrients through & doesn't provide many itself. Alfalfa would be better, but only slightly; not enough better to worry about.