No Binkies...

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Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2011
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Woodbridge, Virginia, USA
Our new bunny, Junie, has only done a handful of binkies since we brought her home a month ago. What she DOES do, though, looks like a weird kind of spaz attack! She twitches her head one way or the other several times in a row. It looks like the kind of head twitch a bunny will do right before a binky, but then she doesn't actually jump and binky! Does anyone else's bunny do this? It almost looks like the movement a person would make if they had water in their ear and were trying to shake it out. It looks so funny!
Layla sometimes just does the head twitch, othertimes she does full out binkies. It really depends on the rabbit and how used to having binky space they are. I've had bunnies that were rescues and never binkied, then I had others who were always bouncing off the walls.
*Tippy raises a paw* I do that sometimes....usually if I'm too lazy to binky. I give lots of head twitches because I know mommy always begs for a binky.
Love, Q-tip
Some bunnies binky more, some bunnies less.. my Fedorento always binkied like a crazy bunny, the 1st time I saw that I thought he was having spasms or so.. I didn't know what it was LOL but it was easy to figure out.. then I expected MILU to do the same, but he never did it. He had his own way to play and be happy, he preferred to fly over the couch, very fastly, up and down, and doing other things, as cute as binkies, too. Bunnies are cute no matter what they do!

By the way, yes, MILU did the head binky too. He always did it, it was really cute!
We get two binkies a day on average from Fraggles. Now if you wanna see some stretching out then Frags is the bunny to watch. Miss.Muppet on the other hand is a binky machine lol. Even with her blindness she loves to binky.
I have three bunnies and all three binkie differently. We have two that side winders and the other one launches straight up. Plus the one that launches up, also just out of the blue with shake his whole body.

No binkies are ever the same. They are like stars in the sky, or snowflakes.

But they are fun to watch.

K :)
Becky only binkies with the head twist and a shiver. Gary will do lots of head twists and then high kicks, particularly any time he's getting food . Houdini likes to binky sideways. Cindi gave me her first binky in a year- a highish leap with a side kick (I'm hoping she is learning from Houdini how to kick up her heels).

As Karen said, they are all unique. I think it is part of the charm. We use the term binky almost like all of our bunnies are doing the same thing, even though they aren't. I think it is just the joy of movement that they each interpret their own way. :)
Never knew that they did just head binkies as all of our rabbits have done the full out leap and stretch. I am now hopeful that Harley with his reduced mobility in that one leg will still do some sort of binkie when he gets a little older.
Paddy O'Hara like to shake her head. I call them morning binkies because they are always related to saying good morning and also include fast running when breakfast is ready.
Harvey does the little head binkies. He does all sorts of binkies. But the head binkie is usually when he's too lazy to follow thru or if I am returning from a trip and he's happy to see me he will do the head binkies in his cage because there isn't enough room to do more.

Now sometimes I can get him to do a full binkie when he starts to do the head shake by making kissing noise at him. Now that's fun to watch. He'll do a side binky, a straight up in the air binky or he'll just run around like crazy off the walls, into the blinds or off my closet doors.

I've never seen a rabbit do a binky before Harvey. It kind of looks like fits. I figured it out eventually. haha.
Yes, the head binky definitely counts as a binky!!! It's very sweet and cute!!
Another cute thing is when you pet your bunny and he/she is so happy they he/she starts clicking (or whatever you call this) their teeth. There's teeth grinding, which can indicate pain (this is usually loud), and there's the teeth clicking (no noise or almost no noise) and this indicates that you're bunny is enjoying the pets and is very happy!
Aw thats cute Desmond does that to me, when he is playing with an attitude, haha he's like you're not good enough for a binkie right now, where is my treat ;)

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