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Jan 21, 2013
Reaction score
Queens, New York
Hey guys!

You guys don't know me, but for the last five months I've been perusing the forums incognito! It has been extraordinarily helpful with teaching me how to speak bunny and settle my sudden fears that turn out to be nothing but regular bunny behavior (i.e baby bunny hiccups and butt twitching!) I haven't bothered to trouble you guys yet because I have yet to come across a question that hasn't already been addressed but you guys are just so friendly that I'd like to finally take the time to introduce myself (and my buns!).

So, my name is Tera but you can call me Bindybun, lol. And I've got three beautiful bunnies.

Two are dutches from the same litter that I was told was girl and girl but when "Minzy's" testicles finally descended and his pee-pee finally came out all the way, I realized he was a boy and renamed Oreo... /le sigh. He is scheduled for surgery in 2 days. They are now separated but, as I'm concerned that his sister, Bindy, may be pregnant, I'll be waiting on getting her spayed (i just can't bare the thought of aborting them during a spay...) ANYWAY, I'm getting WAY off track and I apologize for that, lol ><...

We just bought a third rabbit, who is a holland lop and so I'll be having questions about bonding all three of them. I've read lots of guides and I'll make another thread to specifically talk about this but, in the mean time, if anyone reading has done this, please let me know! P.S though, because Bindy and Oreo are from the same litter, its almost like they were "pre-bonded", a perfect match. The trouble will be introducing the new one... I'll be making a new post for that but until then...

Again, it's nice to meet you all!!
Welcome to RO. We all find this site a mine of useful information about everything bunny, glad you´ve found the same. I second Lisa, would love to see some pics of the little ones.
Hello and welcome to the forum!

I feel compelled to warn you that "pre-bonded" is no guarantee of staying bonded after hormones kick in. Most babies get along just grand until that happens (whether from the same litter or not). You'll have to see what happens after the neuter. (and of course, whether your girl is pregnant or not).
Hello and welcome to the forum. I always check my bunnies as I don't want to depend on someone else to tell me their sex. When I got Nick from the shelter, the ad said "mixed male mini". Turned out she was really mixed and became Nik-Nik. Fortunately there was no pregnancy possibilities.
Thank you for all the welcomes!

I was going to post pictures of them last night but it was soo late, I decided to leave that for today. Here are the babies (as we call them around the house). :)

Here's Oreo:

Oreo and Bindy:
(Bindy is on the right. You'll notice her markings are pretty different from a typical dutchie but that's exactly why I wanted her ^^)

And the newest edition, Lina (just got her two days ago xD):


And just to reply to Blue Eyes:

Oreo and Bindy are waaayy into their hormonal business so un-bonding is something that I am concerned about. Right now, they are separated by a second floor of NIC cubes. Each floor of their home is 4 cubes x 2 cubes but they can still see each other through a single panel that is unblocked by the coroplast floor.

I'm not super concerned quite yet about unbonding because it seems that Bindy and Oreo get along just fine once he's stopped chasing her but even then, she never seemed bothered by the chasing (she would kinda half binky while running from him, almost mockingly xD). Before I realized he was a boy, he would chase her around and around in the cage but she's always too quick for him, lol. Once she wears him out, he lays down and she lays down next to him.

I tried keeping them side by side but once he saw her, he wanted her so, as a result, he never seemed at rest. I tried putting cardboard between the two sides but both decided to work together to rip it bit by bit... lulz... So, now she's on one floor with the new bun (supervised: no dividers but when I go to sleep the top floor is divided into 2 cube x 2 cube squares). Bindy has been doing absolutely great with her so far. I'll leave you guys with a pic of Bindy snuggling with Lina. I just took this now xD :)

I know that was totally long-winded @_@ but I'm just so excited share my experiences and offer my two cents xD.
Oh, they are all gorgeous. I just love dutchies and the black and white markings are just lovely. THe little lop is so cute as well and the two lounging together is adorable. I´m going to love hearing more about these three as they grow older. Welcome to you and your three cuties.
Lol, thanks again. I was reading on the forums about some of you who keep blogs and I think I'll be joining that sensation because these guys are just something else... Personalities everywhere xD This is going to be great having a place of support. I live in New York City so not enough people are rabbit owners :(
I really do encourage you to start your own blog, it´s a lovely way of making note of their progress and seeing them develop. I´ve got one for my three and it´s lovely to exchange ideas, tell stories about both the buns and life in general and get ideas and advice as well. It´s also a great way to relate to other people who know exactly what you mean when you start to ramble on about your bunnies. Other non bunny people just don´t get it.

I live in Spain and I think there are even less bunny owners here lol.

Keep up the news and we all love loads of photos of the cuties.
I just joined, also, and want to tell you.. all of your bunnies are adorable! Also, I have a male bun-bun, only one right now, (not sure if I am going to get another, but talking to all of you surely MAKES me want another) and I will be getting him neutered, he is only 10 weeks old right now, but I am wondering, if you don't mind me asking, at the vet you are taking your Bindy... how much is it going to cost you for the procedure? We got an estimate around here (in Massachusetts) it will be costing us approx. 377...
Welcome, and certainly good luck with trio bonding. I'm worried enough trying a pair sonic give you credit for daring more.

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