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Nov 17, 2007
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Hi my name is Sara. My bunny and I live in Vermont. I have joined so that my lil bun, Bunny Buttons, could chat online amongst the other buns. Bunny Buttons is 6 years old now and is totally the queen of the household. She has a lot of freedom, yet she needs supervision as she loves to chew wires and cords. We aren't sure what breed she is, perhaps a combo of a few.She has a younger sibling named GoGo, who is a guinea pig. He adores her but she isn't so sure about him. He's very active and she's rather quiet. Nice to meet everyone! Look forward to getting to know you! Sara and Bunny Buttons
Welcome to the forum, Sara! Welcome Bunny Buttons as well;). Your bunny is 6? Have you had him the entire 6 years or did you recently adopt him?

Feel free to post a pic of your Buttons in the rabbitry section of the forum, and folks would be happy to tell what breed/s he is/could be. You'll need to use a hosting site to upload and add the pic though, the forum no longer supports attachments.

Looking forward to talking with you and meeting Buttons!:D
Welcome Sara and Bunny Buttons! (and little sibling GoGo!). This is a great place to hang out and talk BUNNIES. You "could" post some photos of the little darlings if you don't mind... :welcome1
Welcome Sara, Bunny Buttons and GoGo!

(Just to clarify, Bunny Buttons and GoGo don't live in the same cage? Cause that's a big no-no. ;))

Looking forward to the pictures! :bunnydance: Enjoy posting! :D

Michaela & bunnies Madison and Ebony
Buttons joined our family when she was about 8 months old. I'll have to upload a picture! No, Buttons and GoGo don't share a cage.
Meet Bunny Buttons! (sorry so big - can't figure out how to make it smaller!)



What a sweet looking bun and probably quite spoilt
I have a black minlop and her name is Jazz, she is 10months old now! Sigh can't believe how quickly she has grown up...

Are you using photobucket, well yes probably you are. Anyway you can resize your pic by clicking on the "edit" word in blue above the pic, that will take your pic to a set of options where you click on "resize" drop down arrow and select your choice. The message board size 640 by 480 should be good but really don't worry about a big picture, we are just thrilled to see a pic of your little Bunny Buttons.:biggrin2:

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