NIC cubes and questions

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Jun 21, 2012
Reaction score
York, South Carolina, USA
Right now I have my bun in a huge plastic bottomed pet store type cage. I only have one rabbit, so she was plenty of room. I let her out to run every evening until I go to bed. Sometimes shes out all day. The only thing with her cage is, its on the floor. I hate the way it looks on the floor, it works for her because she can jump in and out.

My questions are: Are the NIC cubes sturdy? I know A LOT of people have them, and have no problems but I'm a constant worrier. haha.

Can the bunnies really jump up onto the second platforms? The ones that are 1 grid high? I don't think my bunny jumps that much, but I guess I could put a ramp up.

I know they look really good. But I'm just a little hesitant. But I do think my bun would like a little more freedom while she's in her cage.
Can you guys tell me what you like about your cages? Should I just build one and see how it goes? I mean, all of you wouldn't have that kind of cage if it wasn't great right?

Thanks in advance. I'm a worrier by nature and I tend to over think things. hahahaha
They are sturdy cages, but using extra support like dowels does help too. I would recommend using zip ties rather than the connectors they come with as it is much easier.

Rabbits can and do jump up from level to level. If you are worried about the height, you can use a ramp or put a step 1/2 way up a grid. My Gizmo is just over 2 pounds and makes it up a full grid height no problem. Some rabbits don't use levels, so they might not want to use one anyway which is fine too.

I like that they are really easy to clean. The big doors (mine are at least 2 grids wide and usually 1.5-2 high) mean I can get in the cage to get to the back corners. I also like that all the space is useable, some pet store cages have a rim around the bottom that make the floor space much smaller. You can also make it the size you want, so even if you have an awkward space you can make a cage to fit.

If you are concerned about a level, try starting with just the cage and no levels. Then as she gets used to that, you can add a small level with a ramp and see how that goes. If if goes well, you might add more of a level or see if she will jump up. If it does not go well, then you can take the level out.
Thanks. I like that you said something about cleaning. The cage i have now is a pain to clean. A nic cage would be a lot easier to clean which is a definite plus!
Agnes has a 3 level NIC condo. She loves it and it is sturdy. But I agree with Kate, you need to use zip ties.

I bought mine instead of building it (which cost double the cost!) but it did come nearly assembled and with all needed to put together. Here is a picture. We got the purple one on the homepage but with steps instead of ramps.

If you want to see more pics you can visit my blog. I think the pics are on page 2....? As far as if they can jump, Agnes could but I do like her having the steps. Some rabbits are jumpers and climbers, some aren't.

I agree with you wanting more space. I have yet to see a store bought rabbit cage that is big enough, in my opinion.
the dowels make an insane difference when it comes to stability. I've got a 4-grid-high (three level) condo that's sturdy as can be :D

one of my bunns is a jumper and loves the levels; the other one's not one for jumping very high so I built a step between the first and second level and used a hammock as a step between the second and third levels.
I did not think that my rabbits were jumpers either. When I put a shelf in I did not make it up all the way to the top of the bottom grid. My shelfs are 7/9 of the way up. (7 mini grids. My grids have 9 small holes per pannel so I put it up 7). My rabbit Beauty LOVES her shelf. She is rarely off of it.
Well, I think you guys have convinced me! I found some NIC cubes on sale at KMart for $18.99 for a set of 4 or 6 (I can't remember now) But I think I'll go get some this weekend and start working on it! I'm excited and I hope Bun will be too.
I made a step half-way up... still no luck at first with the less jumpy bunn. today, I put her up top and showed her there were pellets up there, then I walked her down the levels to show her the way out. after I did that, I left her sitting on the very first step and my other bunny came from the third level down each step to the floor (she normally skips the steps), looked at Gaz, then climbed back up to the top like she was showing her how to do it! after that, Gaz started climbing up to the top level on her own. they really seem to like the top level best :D

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