NIC Cage

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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2005
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Corky's Cave, , USA
Just got done building my bunnies a beautifulnew NIC cage....hope to get the finishing touches on tomorrownite....right now I have the doors closed with the zip ties.....thiswill work for the bottom...but not real affective for the constantopening and closing. What have others used for thispurpose!

Was also thinking of using the grass mats for the shelves to cover thewire (Have cardboard on there for now)....any other ideas?

Thanks as always !
I started off using twist ties on Meat's NICcondo, which really didn't work out too well. Nowadays I'vegot spring clips from the dollar store. I know other peopleuse leash clips, alligator clamps, and even binder clips meant to holdlarge stacks of paper together.

Grass mats are great if your bun is litter trained. Meat hasa dragon grass doormat on one of her shelves. Other thanthat, she's mostly got cheap cotton throw rugs (she chews them,sometimes, but doesn't seem to actually eat them). I don'tthink grass mats would be sturdy enough to use as the only cover overthe wire floors, but they're terrific on top of cardboard.
I'm going to be building mine this weekend for all the buns. Sampson has one right now, and he seems to like it.

As for the floors, I have plastic (the type they put in walkways tocover carpet) covering my carpet. For the shelves in thecage, I have the, I don't know what to call them, the plastic you know what I mean? I think he really likesthem, he pulls them off the shelves and pushes them into his sleepingspot and lays on them. I'm going to have to zip tie them tothe shelves. I'm going to be building him another shelf thisweekend, too.

I have zip ties for hinges and then use, again I'm not sure whatthey're called, but they are the clips that have the part that screwsin. They are like the things on bird toys to attach them tocages.

I'm wanting to get grass mats, but I'm not sure where to get them. Can anyone help me out?


PuterGeekGirl wrote:
right now I have the doors closed with the zip ties.....thiswill work for the bottom...but not real affective for the constantopening and closing. What have others used for thispurpose!

Was also thinking of using the grass mats for the shelves to cover thewire (Have cardboard on there for now)....any other ideas?
I use spring clips I got from Home Depot to close the doors.If you use these, watch the whiskers! I accidentally clippedone of Baby's and she had to jerk loose. I felt sobad.

I used indoor/outdoor carpet for the upper floors. My buns don't chew on it, so it works for me.

Did you use the grid connectors or just zip tie the grids?I'm thinking of rebuilding mine. I used the connectorsoriginally (along with the zip ties, of course), but I think it wouldbe better without them.


we use zip ties for 'hinges' and binder clips for 'latches.' It works very well for us :)

We used cardboard instead of grass mats because they shred thecardboard over the course of a year, but the mats were shredded in aweek :shock::D
Laura wrote:
Did you use the grid connectors or just zip tie the grids?I'm thinking of rebuilding mine. I used the connectorsoriginally (along with the zip ties, of course), but I think it wouldbe better without them.

The first version of Meat's cage didn't use the connectors.The cage seemed pretty sturdy overall, but the squares started"settling" & overlapping edges, which just lookedsloppy. The cage was 3X3 cubes wide & 4 tall, so Iimagine this wouldn't be such a problem w/ a smaller cage. Irecently rebuilt Meat's cage & used the connectors in additionto the zip ties, & I like it much better that way... it justlooks more finished to me, & seems sturdier (the cage is also 6cubes tall, now, so I don't think zip ties alone would have been up tothe task of holding it upright).

From what I've seen, most people seem to use just zip ties, so I think it's mostly a matter of personal preference. :}
cirrustwi wrote:
I have zip ties for hinges and then use, again I'm not sure whatthey're called, but they are the clips that have the part that screwsin. They are like the things on bird toys to attach them tocages.

I'm wanting to get grass mats, but I'm not sure where to get them. Can anyone help me out?

Quick links?

Pier One usually stocks grass mats in increments of 12"thatcan be cut to order. I got Meat's dragongrass doormat (about18" X 30" & very thick) at Lowes.

You can also get a variety of rabbit-tested woven mats at Other LivingThings:

Grabbed some binder clips from work today...they are working well for the doors....

They seem to love the new cage...right now its in the playpen so theycan use it til we get the floor built.....hopefully later tonite...Ihave to work at the hospital so hoping hubby will get emsituated!!

Building this cage was I got about 35 panels for free by posting to see if anyonehad any in my area. Tonite I'm picking up something I'll use for a bedor litter box (not sure which yet)...

They seem somewhat warn out tonite..prolly from all this jumping from level to level!
Alice wrote:
Laura wrote:
Did you use the grid connectors or just zip tie the grids?I'm thinking of rebuilding mine. I used the connectorsoriginally (along with the zip ties, of course), but I think it wouldbe better without them.

The first version of Meat's cage didn't use the connectors.The cage seemed pretty sturdy overall, but the squares started"settling" & overlapping edges, which just lookedsloppy. The cage was 3X3 cubes wide & 4 tall, so Iimagine this wouldn't be such a problem w/ a smaller cage. Irecently rebuilt Meat's cage & used the connectors in additionto the zip ties, & I like it much better that way... it justlooks more finished to me, & seems sturdier (the cage is also 6cubes tall, now, so I don't think zip ties alone would have been up tothe task of holding it upright).

From what I've seen, most people seem to use just zip ties, so I think it's mostly a matter of personal preference. :}
I'm feeling that my cage is sloppy looking too, I never thought of using the connectors and zip ties....I may have to rebuild...



Here it is! Only thing left to do is put a couple doors downon bottom level so I can get the litter boxes easier! Mayalso make some ledges around the bottom so things (turds) don't comeout all over the floor...and gonna put it up on some legs soon too!

They sure seem to love it!

I'm happy to report a few days later that thiscage has been nothing but a positive for the bunnies....Homer who hasalways been alot more restless is really doing better about beingheld...must be all the extra excersize he's getting now...not needingto be as silly when he's out (even tho they've always got alot ofexcersize in their bunny playpen)....and the BIG news is that they aredoing MUCH better using their litter box!! They are using it100% for pee now from what I can tell.....the poop thing I'm not sureon as its all over the cage....they may be dragging some out with themas I know they are using it to poop in as well....but for now I'm VERYhappy they are using it to at least take care of the smellypart!!!
The cage looks great! How did you dothe doors? That part got a little hairy for me. Iended up with a double door that swings open for the bottom and middleand a single swinging door for the top level. I can prettymuch crawl into the cagewhen the double door isopen. I can clean the whole bottom level that way.

Laura (OOPS! I posted under my daughter's signon! Sorry for the confusion)

My husband cut the inside of one out, and then alil less of the cube on the cage, then he used a tool to smooth out theedges on both pieces...used electrical ties on the bottom for hingesand then binder clips for the top.

I know it doesn't make sense so we'll post pics in a few!!!
Looks great PGG :)

I think I may get hubbys dad to build a new cage for our girl. But thenI was eyeing the changing table I dont use, and thinking if I made someopenings in the shelves, added wire on the outside.......LOL


Bravo you did a super job on you bunny condo!!

I'm trying to talk my hubby into making one as well, Bindy has a fairlybig hutch but I'd love to build her a condo, I think I might waittuntil we get our new furniture in our loungeroom and see how muchspace is left and then start with the subtle nagging LOL:D:D

Then again if I do it whilst he is away and he sees how great it is when he gets back,,,, well you see what I mean LOL

I think your condo is SUPER!!

Great to hear the bunnies love it too!

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