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Gosh this makes me soooo angry!!!! How cananyone wear any animal fur let alone rabbits!! I own two rexes who haveto most gorgeous fur and the idea of these wonderful animals beingkilled for their fur makes me so angry!:mad:
:shock2:Wow, 70 million rabbits killed in a year for their fur. If that is indeed true, that's unbelieveable.

NOW NOW You allknow those 2 disorganizations over blowthings, the number is more likely alot lower ,

think for a minute , what are yourshoes, sandles , jacketssome styles of pants , etc made from, true most are plastic,synthetic ,etc , but most are made fromgenuine cow hide ! them trustywell worn boots , yepcow hide , know why ? TheLiving room set somepeople actualy have leathercouch and chairs , come on think about it ,something you wear or sit on everyday is madeofsomething animal .

I could make a whole post onthings that are made of fromor by animals come on think about it ,while one is being indignantabout wearing an animals hidethink about what your wearing . Matterof fact I love myJustin Boots.
I agree, Gypsy, but she admits she doesn't evenwear a lot of the things she buys. She just does it for show, sokilling animals just so she can spend some of her (unworked for) moneyon them.

Beautiful animals and ugly people wear fur!!

gypsy wrote:
NOW NOW You all knowthose 2 disorganizations over blowthings, the number is more likely alot lower ,

think for a minute , what are yourshoes, sandles , jacketssome styles of pants , etc made from, true most are plastic,synthetic ,etc , but most are made fromgenuine cow hide ! them trustywell worn boots , yepcow hide , know why ? TheLiving room set somepeople actualy have leathercouch and chairs , come on think about it ,something you wear or sit on everyday is madeofsomething animal .

I could make a whole post onthings that are made of fromor by animals come on think about it ,while one is being indignantabout wearing an animals hidethink about what your wearing . Matterof fact I love myJustin Boots.

Almost everything I own is vinyl or some other syntheticmaterial.It's not hard to do. There arerare occasions when its unavoidable, but then there are animals who dienaturally. Generally, I figure if I'm not part ofthe mass market, I'm not contributing to the mass slaughter.

And while I do wish PETA wasn't quite so radical -- it doesaffect their crediblity -- I also haven't run across any otherorganizations making any effective noise about the issue, so I'llcontinue to support them. They are the ones bringing thiswoman's vanity excesses to the forefront, and it may shame others intonot following suit.

SAS (and PIPP)
I realize that a ton of things are made ofanimal products -- think food, even Jell-O! And that's allI'm going to say about that.

However I will say, that woman sounds like a snot! I justdon't like her comment about feeling guilty about buying somuchwhen others have nothing.

I have no problemadmitting she is a snot ( muchharsher unprintable word thought tho)Think of it this way her andpeta and the otheroneALL got nationalheadlines go figure , but then againpublicity is publicity no matter how youachieve you set goal.her 15 minutesof fame were nearlyup so she just had tofind a way to extend it a littlewhile longer. peta and the otherone when they first startedout had a wonderfull goal , toobad they are now on thenational terrorists listfor domestic terrorism. nuffsaid

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