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Great story, eh!?!?

Here's the pic that goes with it.....


Thanks for the link, Mambo.

The baby looks quite at ease in the firefighter's arms. Thatfamily must've been so relieved to get their babyback. Bless that fireman's heart for getting theirlittle one out safely.

Wow, that's amazing! What a strong bunnies. Iused to live an a huge 200 apartment building. It was pretty high tech,they had the building fire alarm set to immediately call the firedepartment etc.

There was a fire in an apartment down the hall from mine...I waslistening to music and faintly heard some odd noise but couldn't figureout what it was until 5 minutes later when I opened my door. Smoke camerushing in my apartment! And in the hall the lights that're on 24/7were off so that made it look even spookier. Plus the alarm of coursethat was unbelievabley loud, and I saw guy rush towards and yell"YOU'VE GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE!!" I was shaking,my voiceshaking too, but I said "BUT MY RABBITS!!"I scooped up the two of thembut Jordan kept resisting. I tried several times but he kept jumpingout of my hand! I was in such a panic, and thinking that the whole fivestory building was going to go down I ran with Calvin in my arms to thestairs. Nobody was allowed back in their apartments for about a half anhour, but all I did was kept telling the front desk attendent that Ihave another rabbit up there and SOMEBODY needs to go up andget him!!!

I finally got approval from the front desk attendent to go back up tocheck on Jordan so I left Calvin at the front desk and ran up thestairs. The firefighters weren't happy, nobody was supposed to beallowed up there yet, but I told them my situation and they said okjust go in and close your door. In panic to get out I hadn't evenclosed my door! So then I was thinking Jordan ran out in fear and whoknows where he is now. I searched for like 20 minutes until one of thefirefighters told me that alot of pets go hide in the bathroom, and tocheck there. And he was right, there Jordan was curled up in a littlebunny ball behind the toilet. Whew! I was so happy to see him! So Ithen went to retrieve Calvin, andeverything thank god turnedout ok. Except poor Calvin, running through the smoke with me hadgotten his all white fur a little tarnished. But other than that, theywere fine. :)
chiquita090 wrote:
Wow, that's amazing! What a strong bunnies. I used to livean a huge 200 apartment building. It was pretty high tech, they had thebuilding fire alarm set to immediately call the fire department etc.

There was a fire in an apartment down the hall from mine...I waslistening to music and faintly heard some odd noise but couldn't figureout what it was until 5 minutes later when I opened my door. Smoke camerushing in my apartment! And in the hall the lights that're on 24/7were off so that made it look even spookier. Plus the alarm of coursethat was unbelievabley loud, and I saw guy rush towards and yell"YOU'VE GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE!!" I was shaking,my voiceshaking too, but I said "BUT MY RABBITS!!"I scooped up the two of thembut Jordan kept resisting. I tried several times but he kept jumpingout of my hand! I was in such a panic, and thinking that the whole fivestory building was going to go down I ran with Calvin in my arms to thestairs. Nobody was allowed back in their apartments for about a half anhour, but all I did was kept telling the front desk attendent that Ihave another rabbit up there and SOMEBODY needs to go up andget him!!!

I finally got approval from the front desk attendent to go back up tocheck on Jordan so I left Calvin at the front desk and ran up thestairs. The firefighters weren't happy, nobody was supposed to beallowed up there yet, but I told them my situation and they said okjust go in and close your door. In panic to get out I hadn't evenclosed my door! So then I was thinking Jordan ran out in fear and whoknows where he is now. I searched for like 20 minutes until one of thefirefighters told me that alot of pets go hide in the bathroom, and tocheck there. And he was right, there Jordan was curled up in a littlebunny ball behind the toilet. Whew! I was so happy to see him! So Ithen went to retrieve Calvin, andeverything thank god turnedout ok. Except poor Calvin, running through the smoke with me hadgotten his all white fur a little tarnished. But other than that, theywere fine. :)
Oh my god what a story. Its likeone of theworst dreams come true.

Sometimes I imagine what would I do if i needed to leave like that. Thegood thing is that I can catch the bunny pretty fast, and during theday he hides in his carrier anyway. (I have a really good imaginationwhen it comes to imagining stuff like that)

This is what makes me want to install a door in the bunnie's room that goes outside.

Right now the plan is to grab 7 pillowcases, put a bun in each, and lower them out the window to a waiting family member.

The bunnies areon the first floor so it's doable. I could then follow them out the window if necessary.

And as Buck would say...... "Badda-Bing"..... a done deal.
You are such a news hound. It cracks meup. You somehow manage to find all the news stories aboutrabbits. Thanks for keeping us all informed!

Hides in his carrier? hehe How cute!

Oh man, it was horrible! I lived in that apartment for about a year anda half after that that time period there were around 20 falsealarms! Thatfreakin fire alarm was so loud it would echo inears, and every time the fire alarm would go off I would start shaking,and shake for like 20 minutes afterwards. It was quite a traumaticexperiance! The managment sent out a flier a week later saying the firewas caused in a guys apartment who had been out of town, and had lefthis cell phone charging, and the wires of the charger were stripped,and it laying on the carpet. What an idiot.
cirrustwi wrote:
You are such a news hound. It cracks meup. You somehow manage to find all the news stories aboutrabbits. Thanks for keeping us all informed!


I second that emotion!

Mambo rocks!


Bless your heart. I can imagine your extreme panic and fearfor your little ones. I'm so glad it turned outokay.

Had a fire in my place once and for a long time afterwards, I'd havenightmares about it or I'd jump up in the middle of the night thinkingI smelled smoke.

Good for you for not giving up and being forceful for Calvin's sake. :)

We live in a high rise apartment building - onthe top floor no less - and I sometimes worry about fires. Of course,my biggest concern is our pets, everything else is replaceable andinsured, but you cannot fully replace a lost pet. We used to keep thepet carriers down in our storage unit, but then I brought them all uphere. If ever there is a fire, we'll be able to bring our pets with us,even though all three rabbits would be in one carrier, I doubt they'dmind.
Carolyn - Fire's are so horrible. I hopeeverything turned out ok for in the fire. I never had nightmares butevery type of alarm that would go off would freak me out at first,until I realized it was nothing. Like car alarms, or one time Iremember getting ready to walk out the building door when I heard analarm coming from an apartment. My boyfriend had assure me that it wasan alarm CLOCK lol, not a fire alarm, before I agreed to leave thebuilding.

Stephanie - Having carriers ready is a great idea! That day of thatfire at my old apartment building, once I got out I saw several peoplewith cat carriers as calm as could be. And there I was with no shoeson, smoke residue on my face, and a bunny in arms. They all looked atme like I was crazy! The fire was in the hall that I lived in though,everybody was calm and able to put their animals carriers etc becausethey either lived below me or in the B or C building. *sigh* I'm gladthat you're prepared!I'm far too careful about things like that forthat to ever happen in my own apartment but if you live in a bigapartment building like I used to, you can't ever trust other peoplenot to be careless or do something stupid.