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What a shame! What is this world coming to!? :X

I feel so sorry for the Magician and his rabbit. That's so sad.

ayglnu13 wrote:
What sick person would steal a rabbit! Seriously! Theyshould have stolen his cape instead, or atleast something that isntliving!

In our paper here today, they said they thought it was someone from ananimal rights group. I just hope that whoever took it either gives itback, or takes care of it! - Jan
How awful. I hope the rabbit is ok. Whatis this world coming to? I feel both sad and mad in equal parts. Ithink I'll say a prayer for the bunn and the magician.

Tina I am not sure how I feel....First of allI feel bad that the rabbit was stolen,the bunny was probably scared andcould suffer some damage from all the stress, but what if the magicianwas abusing the bunny and the animal right activist saved thebunny....the person shouldn’t have had to steal it, but saved thebunnies life none less.

Then you have the animal right activist who might have taken the bunnyfrom a Magician who might have actually cared for the bunny, and thebunny may have been his pet.

But aren’t animal activists (maybe thats just PETA correct me if I amwrong) the ones who think that animals shouldn’t EVER be kept aspets...what if he thinks that the rabbit is a wild animal and lets itgo....mmmm I am SOOO confused...

Wow I have sucha weird imagination...

This is aweful!

My husband and I are magicians. We have used Daytona in our shows. Wealso plan on using Buster and Tucker. Believe it or not, this isn'tsomething new... These 'animal activists' are EVERYWHERE! Manymagicians use animals in thier shows, for example David Copperfield...

Peter and I have been asked questions before, by people claiming to beanimal activists. We've just ignored these people. As the trainer, andthe caretaker of these animals, I myself find it VERY offencive when aTOTAL stranger asks you if you know your abusing that animal, orexploiting it, or the conditions of the show are too stressful... Giveme break! Daytona loves performing, how do I know that? Because he getsrewards. I've spoke to MANY animal trainers, vets, and zoo keepers,this is no more stressful to Daytona, than a dog show, or his agilitycontests! Buster and Tucker we will see about, right now they are at anage where I wouldn't even dream of performing with them. We would startlike we did with Daytona as a pup, take them to the show, let them getused to the noises, and lights and commotions back stage, see how theyhandle it and so forth...

So soory to rant, and rave, but, URGH!:XThis is something we shouldn't have to deal with...
