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We probably should bring up such controversialissues, because I know that there are people who will have differentviews and I don’t want there to be a fight. :? I dont know maybe thereare other people who feel differently then me about this post.

I understand your concern, but I think it's verypossible to have a civil and enlightening conversation about thingslike cloning. If we always shy away from controversial issues, wewouldn't learn anything new. I think it was an enlightening article andvery interesting that it seems like a school has the ability toclone... It also seems fairly unlikely. It will be interesting to seeif a healthy baby bunny comes out of this. And what the futureimplications of such "easy" cloning could be...
Eh, to be honest I'm not real gun-ho either wayabout the subject. Mainly because I'm pretty sure no one wants to hearmy views on this (trust me, they'll hurt everyone's feelings thus farand I don't want to do that :) ). But a question to be raised out ofthis would be, what good would it do?

Bunnies breed enough on their own so I couldn't see the excuse beingmade for "If we ever need more bunnies" be it for clothing production,meat production or just so everyone in the world can own a bunny.
And also, while I understand there's the same curiousity with this aswith stem cell research (about cloning new parts for ones that don'twork anymore) it's still a veeery touchy subject which people are boundto disagree on. I'm all for controversial issues, but then again I'musually found on the controversial side^_^

So yeah, what good (and possibly bad?) would cloning the little fuzzy darlings do for the world? :)
ayglnu13 wrote:
See I dont agree with cloning what so ever. It is takingaway from the creation of life, it isnt normal. It is taking away fromwhat God created, life. I have a really hard time expressing how I feelin words so here is a site that explains what I believe about cloning.

I agree with you 110%.

Ya cloning rabbits is kinda dumb, I meanseriously there are enough rabbits in this world to give every one arabbit, without having to clone one.

I have two different views on stem cell research. 1,) If the stem cellcame from an aborted baby I dont agree with it all (since I dont agreewith abortion), 2,) but if the stem cell came from something other thenan aborted baby then I am OK with it.

The thing that I am really afraid of is that possibly people in thefuture might just start to grow organs in children and just use thecreated child's parts for other living children.

Bramble Briar86 wrote:
I agree with you 110%.


Wow, I was really worried that I would be the only one who didnt agreewith cloning, I'm glad you said something, made me feel more confidentabout what I was writing :D Thanks!

OMG!!! just think aboutcloning this way can YOUpicture this world with 2 of ME lmao oneof me is more than this oldworld can take !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ayglnu13 wrote:
Ya cloning rabbits is kinda dumb, I mean seriously there areenough rabbits in this world to give every one a rabbit, without havingto clone one.

I have two different views on stem cell research. 1,) If the stem cellcame from an aborted baby I dont agree with it all (since I dont agreewith abortion), 2,) but if the stem cell came from some one who diednaturally then I am still not OK with it, but I am less likely to beangry with it.

The thing that I am really afraid of is that possibly people in thefuture might just start to grow organs in children and just use thecreated child's parts for other living children.


Well that's not exactly how it can only get stem cellsfrom a fertilized egg from what I understand. I had my friend explainthis to me so here goes a paraphrased version.

When an egg is fertilized there's a time period in which the cells thatgrow are simply the building blocks....think of a building, you reallyhave no clue what it's oging to look like until the foundation is builtright? That's where the stem cell research steps in at from what I wastold. They take a fertilized egg that just barely has building blocksand remove the atom, replacing it with an atom from, oh say a heart.Then the cells copy only that cell and only the heart grows, instead ofa whole human, etc etc etc. Plenty of "unborn babies" are sitting rightnow in some of the fertilization banks (around the U.S. at least,forgive my international ignorance on this issue...I'm not sure if theyhave them overseas, or if they are even very prevalent) that actuallyhave "experation dates" (if you will allow the phrasing). ......Ack!Well I'm getting too detailed to know what I'm talking about really,but stem cells really can't be from an "aborted" baby if they're aftera certain stage from what I understand. It'd be easier to go into spermand egg banks and go from there. But yeah, I just wanted to inform youwith what I knew and that no, we can't grow organs in children and thenharvest them :) Too many sci-fi/horror movies for you ;)
Hey :D I am 16, I dont know the details of it I just know that I dont like it. The end. I'm not really in the mood to debate.


I dont watch sci-fi movies....ever.

And the children thing, I saw it on the news, I didnt just like make it up.
Fergi wrote:
Hey Mambo, thanks for keeping an eye on all the bunny relatednews articles. Very interesting...Now if they could only find theperfect man and clone him over and over and over for all us women!! J/K!

Fergi's mom

A BIG AMEN To That, Fergi! :shock:

* * * * * *

Hey Mambo,

Were your ears ringing tonight?

I was watching the 6:30 nightly news and one of the stories was "Foodthat's Cloned". Turns out that the studies have shown that cloned cow'smeat has the same amount of fats, proteins, and nutrients as regularcow meat does.

The FDA would have to decide if it's appropriate to sell or not. Ifthey do, you could see "cloned meat" at your supermarket, but they'dhave to label it as such.

I'm truly *not* trying to upset anyone here. I apologize if I have. Itwas just on the news tonight and Mambo was ahead of his time by lettingus know first. I had to comment.

Don't care to get into a debate about it here, just found it interesting.


Carolyn wrote:
Fergi wrote:
Hey Mambo, thanks for keeping an eye on all the bunny relatednews articles. Very interesting...Now if they could only find theperfect man and clone him over and over and over for all us women!! J/K!

Fergi's mom

A BIG AMEN To That, Fergi! :shock:

Ditto. :D
