I agree with you 110%.See I dont agree with cloning what so ever. It is takingaway from the creation of life, it isnt normal. It is taking away fromwhat God created, life. I have a really hard time expressing how I feelin words so here is a site that explains what I believe about cloning.
I agree with you 110%.
Ya cloning rabbits is kinda dumb, I mean seriously there areenough rabbits in this world to give every one a rabbit, without havingto clone one.
I have two different views on stem cell research. 1,) If the stem cellcame from an aborted baby I dont agree with it all (since I dont agreewith abortion), 2,) but if the stem cell came from some one who diednaturally then I am still not OK with it, but I am less likely to beangry with it.
The thing that I am really afraid of is that possibly people in thefuture might just start to grow organs in children and just use thecreated child's parts for other living children.
Hey Mambo, thanks for keeping an eye on all the bunny relatednews articles. Very interesting...Now if they could only find theperfect man and clone him over and over and over for all us women!! J/K!
Fergi's mom
Fergi wrote:
Hey Mambo, thanks for keeping an eye on all the bunny relatednews articles. Very interesting...Now if they could only find theperfect man and clone him over and over and over for all us women!! J/K!
Fergi's mom
A BIG AMEN To That, Fergi! :shock: