Newly spayed rabbit is now scared of me

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Oct 8, 2014
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Hello. I am so sad and confused about what is going on with my rabbit. She is a ruby eyed mini Rex and is 4 months old. I got her spayed this last Friday and everything has gone down hill from there. First the spaying was so hard on her. She was in pain, cold and depressed. She is now feeling better however she is afraid of me now, runs frantically when I come up to her and doesn't jump and frolic like she did a week ago. What happened to my bunny??? Any ideas??
She is probably still in pain from the surgery and a little bit frightened about what happened. Did the vet give you pain killers for her? Less than a week out from the surgery she should be discouraged from running and jumping anyway as it could aggravate the wound, or open the stitches and it's quite likely she is still sore from it. Give her more time to heal. She will come around again, just give her time and be patient with her.
She did not get any pain meds. Theirs is my first rabbit and had I done more research I would have pushed for some. I felt like such a horrible rabbit owner. She was in so much pain. I took her in the next day to make sure nothing else was going on but of course I didn't ask for any. Thank you so much for your response. I am being patient and will continue to do so. I am just so afraid I lost me sweet bunny that I had bonded so much with ):
It's not your fault, you weren't to know, it is the vet who should have known to give them. The worst of the pain is probably gone but I imagine it's still sore. I don't think you've lost your sweet bunny, I would probably be grumpy for a week too if I had an organ removed. Let us know how she progresses :)
Vets don't seem to actively offer pain meds. I have had 3 rabbits spayed/neutered across 2 different vets and although the boy I neutered a few months ago behaved as though nothing had happened within a few hours, the other two did need more pain medication after and I ended up having to force feed one as the vets told me his system was slowing down.

The vets gave each rabbits a pain injection before they sent them home which is supposed to last 24 hours and with the first two of mine I took them back the following evening for another dose. That was enough but I did also take home some metcam(?) just in case but didn't actually use it.

Unfortunately, with a spay it is a 'proper' operation (the boys get off a little easier) and my girl certainly took quite a bit longer to be back to normal. Once she has fully recovered she will probably start to forget about it all, don't worry.
That's really bad that the vet did not give you metcam I would make a complaint here in the uk we don't spay until 6 months my ivy was spayed at 6 months and was given metcam after 2 days she was back to her normal playful self but she was very quiet for the first to days and rested
Thanks everyone for your thoughts. I feel a little better about it. More confident she will get back to herself.