Newby from Australia

Rabbits Online Forum

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Jun 6, 2009
Reaction score
, , Australia
Hello all

I have love of rabbits and have had 2 mini lops that are desexed and 12 months old, recently though my husband and i have acquired another 2 and then another 2 making that 6 all up!!

I am not sure if this is an American website, but what we call mini lops i think you guys call Holland lops, anyway they are the smallest of the lop breed.

Thanx for reading.
:hello And :welcome1

Lots of people from everywhere post on here. Nice to hear from you. Lots of friendly people. See you around RO.

:biggrin2: April
Hiya and welcome from Australia also!

We have lots of friendly members from all over the world :D

Would love to see some pics of your bunnies!

An Aussie invasion! Glad to have you here. The love of bunnies transcends borders, I have seen people here from Russia, Kenya, Singapore, Honk Kong, Malaysia, Greece, Germany, UK, Mexico, Canada, Japanand the US.

I am glad you have found this site, everyone here is very friendly and loves to talk about their bunnies. Another nine and you'll be caught up to me!
Welcome, always good to see another aussie join the forum.

I've been around here for only a bit over two months, it sure is a good place to get lots of information.

and we'd love to see pictures of your bunnies when you get a chance!
Thank you all, you are so kind. I cannot seem to post picutres on this thread, should i perhaps go to an area that I can submit photo's?
you should be able to post pictures... but not if you use the quick reply at the bottom of the page. click on 'reply' just above my post in the dark green part. and then it will give you more options...
HI Blonde,

Welcome! I'm also from Australia - my first rabbit was a mini cashmere lop, and I now have 2 dwarf lops. I'm a bit of a sucker for those floppy ears!

I did a search through the forum for how to post pictures when I couldn't work it out- you'll need to use photobucket - there are instructions on the forum somewhere about how to use it to load pictures.

Cheers, Beth.
Hi, and welcome! Yes, over here we call the dwarf breed of lop a Holland. Aren't they adorable?


Annie :bunny19

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