Newborn Cali Kits

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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
Reaction score
, Texas, USA
One litter born Tuesday Morning, the other Tuesday night..






They are so cute and look like they're doing well so far! Can't wait to see more pictures and watch them grow :)

They look like a bunch of wiggly worms!!! lol. congrats on the mommas and you Zin.
Ugh.. one of em is a horrible mom.. I just spent 45 minutes sitting on my butt, with her reclining backwards, holding her down, with my husband putting a kit one by one on a nipple..

I seriously dislike that rabbit now...

My back is killing me!

I made a lil pouch that goes under mom and ties up around her back, seems to be less stress for her than being flipped on her back...easier on me too...and ALOT less battle wounds from one mom in particular...she's a great mom, but one always seems to be a bit smaller so I help it for a couple days til it catches up...the pouch helps!!!

Those lil ones are so CUTE, I can't wait to see them grow...never seen a baby Cal!
Congrats on the new babies!

For nursing, let the doe sit on your lap in a natural position, and give the doe a carrot. The babies won't be able to get much milk unless the "let down" reflex kicks in, so the doe must be relaxed.

How did the other's do with the anticipated cold weather?

Is that the last of the litters - or still more to come?


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