HorseAholic wrote:
My daughter got a bunnyfrom her father for Easter.Ihave no idea how hold she is butshe fit in the palm of my hand 2 weeks ago. How old could she be? I think she is a mini cross.
The store gave her pellets but I dont know what kind they are. What kindshould I buy when these are gone? What kind is best, protein/fat etc?
dear horse-a-holic,,.your familiarity with horses-diet- could put you ahead of the curve,,.a diet of timothy/orchard grass,,quality-pellets,..water---sound familiar.??.rabbits get sold sometimes too early--weaning is 8 weeks,,lets hope she is weaned---i have my reservations of feeding much alfalfa to a baby,,alfalfa is a digestible fiber,part of the clover family,,if fed too much-digestible fiber the stomach muscles do-not develope correctly for pushing the non-digestible fibers--ie.timothy/orchard grasses,,and of course raising buns can be rewarding and fun,,but there is much to know and you can check out websites like house of rabbit,,or adopt a rabbit,or,h.a.r.e.,-rabbit secrtets,, should keep you busy..sincerely james waller