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for adding multiple images to a post as Peg did you first need some website to host the images. I use It's relatively easy to set up an account there and it's (more importantly) free. After uploading your images to a website you just need to link them here using the [img ][/img ] tags minus the space between the g & ]. Photobucket makes it extra simple as after your image has been loaded they provide copy & paste links already complete with image tags.

now my turn to ask a question...

after going over the litterbox training which basicly suggests placing the litterbox where ever the bunny chooses to designate as their potty area, I noticed that it really doesn't talk about any multiple bunnies issues. Do bunnies that live together in the same cage tend to designate the same area for their bathroom or how else do you convince them to go in the same spot? Anything else other than food/water placement?
also what is a good size litter box? I purchased one that is a corner litter box that is approx 15" in length. Is this too large for a pair of lionheads? My new NIC cage measures approx 4' x 2.5' x 2.5' and I wouldn't want to take up too much space with the litter box.
I tried to post the pictures both ways, teh first way told me my images exceeded the size they should be (how doi you re-size?) and the second way worked, just the photos were oversized on the preview post and oyu had to scroll just to see one picture.

To answer your question, is it 15" from the point to the side? Or from side to side? They will grow, and the bigger the better and I dont' think it will take up too much of the cage space. Here's a website about litter pan size.

Some peoples litter boxes take up like half the size of the cage, so you should be fine.
basically you are going to need to resize your pictures. you can either use a program like photoshop to change the image size or with photobucket you can hit the "Edit" button above each picture. From there you have three options.

The first is to rename your picture to whatever you want and even add a description. If you change the name of the picture it will affect any links you have posted before you changed it.

Second is the resizing option. Depending how big your picture is you probably either want to shrink it to 75 or 50 percent of it's original size. After selecting which size you want just hit the resize button.

The final option is to rotate the image. This is certainly helpful when you have used your camera to take a portrait style picture instead of landscape.

The litter box is 15" in length on each leg, not the hypotenuse. I think it's probably a good size too since after I make the cage into a two-story play area that's certainly not much of the area.
Spring wrote:
I've asked before, but how do you post pictures? I have a kodak easy share digital camera and the kodak easy share program, I'm jsut not sure how to! I took some adorable pictures of her with this pink doll bow on. It looks adorable with her dark coloured fur :).
The Kodak Easy Share software apparently doesn't allow the photos to be shared on forums, etc., so you'll have to get the photosby browsingyour 'My Pictures' directory on the your computer, or wherever else the originals are stored, andnot by usingthe Easy Share program. (Thus the Easy Share directories and albums you've set up are useless for this purpose).

Here'sthe instructions fromthe Forum Information section.

Good luck!
Just Jack wrote:
also what is a good size litter box? I purchased one that is a corner litter box that is approx 15" in length. Is this too large for a pair of lionheads? My new NIC cage measures approx 4' x 2.5' x 2.5' and I wouldn't want to take up too much space with the litter box.
I know you mentioned in your email to me about making a 2nd level. Let me tell you right now - those little brats (whoever you get) are going to not only LOVE it - but they will be spoiled rotten. They also will probably hang out on the 2nd level A LOT!

I'm going to try and get photos of the sable point later this weekend to send you - if you want - you can post the photos here of the various ones I've sent you (harlequin, etc) if you'd like to show folks...I've just been too lazy to resize them.

I do think that the sable point doe is going to be a smaller doe - she was born December 22nd to Ainsley (she's on my webpage for the sable point does) and she seems to be staying a bit smaller than the others. Then again...she could go through a growth spurt.

You may have one challenge with these does that I've been hesitant to share. They've been free-roaming for a week or so and they like to jump the barrier to get into the living room....I've even caught a couple jumping up to a chair and then on the table to get to the newspaper. I'm sure they'll do fine in the cage you've made - just be aware that thse little ones can be stinkers and have been spoiled rotten! (I was out of cage space and needed to give more cages to the bucks).

I thought I'd share a bit more here about the lionheads you're considering - that way others can be in on the fun. I hope you don't mind.

The three lionheads in particular that we've talked about - the orange, the harlequin and the sable point - are all close to the same age. The orange was born on 12/26, the sable point on 12/22 and the harlequin was 12/28. The orange and the harlequin tend to stay together in the bunny room a lot - although the orange has been coming out to the living room lately. I should say both of the they tend to hang around the harlequin a lot and in the cage. However, the fuzzier orange has started venturing out into the living room this week. The sable point doe has had more confidence and has been coming out into this room for at least 10 days or two weeks. She easily jumps the foot high section of the gate (when the upper part is open) and she likes to look around for treasure - like hay on the floor, etc. Of the four girls (2 orange, 1 harlequin and 1 sable point) - she is the most outgoing and I imagine she will be the most dominant rabbit...but I haven't seen her chase or attack others like some other young does have done. In fact, right now a black doe is grooming her ands he wants to be left alone...but she's just sort of moving her head away.

The two orange does are the next most confident and friendliest....and the harlequin is the most shy. However, the harlequin doe is the easiest one to catch and pick up and she has given tooth purrs when she's petted.

Since she has started coming out into the dining room/living room area - the orange one has become sort of "adventurous". She likes to get into the drop pan below one of the cages to eat any food that has dropped food - and to "hide". She'll sometimes sneak out and race behind another rabbit when they didn't know she was there. The sable point also likes to get into the drop pan.....but she doesn't really play as much with the other rabbits like that. She prefers to try and jump into the hay bag.

This reminds me - I bought some specialty hays from Barbi Brown's website and hope to do some ziplock baggies of them to give you with the rabbits...please try to remind me when we meet....I will also have a 10 pound bag of their food, and the supplements I like to use.

I guess that's it for now....I hope my descriptions helpin some way.

A little update on the cage... today I bought the flooring for the bottom level. I went to Office Depot and purchased a Rubbermaid clear vinyl floor mat (the kind that are commonly used under computer/office chairs). To me it seems like it will be a nice, safe, and easy to clean (my parents have used it for years around their bird cages) flooring. It has a little bit of texture to it so I don't think it will be slippery.

I'm so glad all of your bunnies are already so used to people. I've been reading a lot of the threads and links in the Bunny 101 forum (soon I'll be ready for my Masters) and I imagine it's going to be quite a bit easier to form a kinship with your bunnies. I really do look forward to spoiling them and above all else learning to communicate with them (a la The Language of Lagomorphs website).

I'll show Elsa your post in the morning though I'm sure she will, like myself, find all of these little characters adorable in their indivdual personalities.

You can always send me any pictures that aren't resized yet and I'll have no problem resizing them for you and posting them here.

I'm also curious about what can you tell me about your blue doe. She seems very curious and petite.
Just Jack wrote:
I'm also curious about what can you tell me about your blue doe. She seems very curious and petite.
I was watching the little blue doe today because I had planned to bring her to the college anyway for you to see her. She is very interesting. She was born 12/26 - I made a mistake - the oranges were born 12/19. I just looked at my date book again.

She is very shy and quiet. She likes to come out into the dining room/living room area most of the time - but she just sits off to the side and watches everyone else. I have caught her grooming other rabbits that come up to her - especially a younger chestnut one just a few minutes ago.

There is a certain something about this doe. I can't put it into words - but every once in a while you see it in one of the rabbits and they just stick out to you. If blue was a "showable" color - I'd be normally selling her for $100 or more because she has awesome type and mane....adn if you don't take her - she'll stay here and be a breeder rabbit most likely.

She has a personality that is sort of laid back and calm...yet the other rabbits will go to her for grooming and to be beside her. She doesn't seek them out - but she doesn't push them away. She likes to play in her own way - but she's a bit of a loner. That isn't it exactly - its like she doesn't NEED other rabbits - whereby the oranges and harlequin do tend to need others.

Her mama has a very gentle nature and I think that this doe got that from her.

While I was typing to you earlier, I heard paper shredding and didn't really think about it. MISTAKE! The sable point doe got up on the fireplace area and found a notebook and started shredding - she got about 15 pages before I caught on to what she was doing. If you take her - HIDE your she really likes to shred paper. So does the really fuzzy orange too.

By the way - I know you wanted two lionheads and thats fine. But if you find yourself too torn between them - you could have more in the cage you've made. All of these girls can live together - they do so now. I have four does living in my bedroom - plus others that wander that 6 does I think...and they get along just fine. So don't feel like I'm going to be limiting you to just two.

Also, by the time they're full grown - they will only need about 1/2 cup of food per day (per lionhead). So their food won't be all that expensive.

My only real concern is...well...two things. They haven't hit puberty yet (but I have yet to really have a problem with a lionhead doe hitting puberty...they mostly get along here)...and there is a chestnut doe that hangs out with these particular does. Since I doubt you'll be taking them all - she'll be ok....but she and the blue doe have hung out together most of today and I had not realized that before - that they were close. What is funny is she likes to sit beside the blue doe and get groomed by her - but she likes to run and play with the sable poitn doe and an orange doe.

Well - I better head to bed - I was up to watch "Chicago Hope" again since I'd missed part of it this morning. I guess it boils down to this from what I'm observing:

a. Sable point doe, fuzzy orange doe, and blue doe like to hang out in the living room/dining rom - these three are used to each other. (They also know the other does - but they tend to stay in the family area of the house). The chestnut doe hangs out with them. The sable point doe is the "troublemaker" per se....the orange doe is an investigator and the blue doe is the watcher.

b. The other orange doe and the harlequin doe like to hang out together mainly in the rabbitry. They don't come out into the family areas as much. However, they are easier for me to catch and they come to me at supper time and when I'm putting out water. They know the other rabbits and they all interact...but these two tend to be more rabbit-oriented vs. people-oriented or exploratory. This could change as they get older.

c. The sable point doe is almost like having a 2 year old around. Be prepared to learn to put textbooks and notebooks up...but also be prepared for silly antics. The others are less troublesome....but not quite as much "fun" or "challenging".

I hope I've helped in some way!


P.S. If you know you're leaning towards certain ones - let me know and I'll cage them together for a couple of hours in a 24" x 24" cage to see how they react to each other and if there is any fighting....

I forgot to tell you - I'm going to be giving you a small container of Oxbow Critical Care - and the things I recommend you have on hand after you get the rabbits are:

baby food (banana or rice cereal - in case you need to give medicine or mix w/ Critical Care)

Pedialyte - I use fruit flavored but if they go into stasis it is better to have unflavored. I buy the Walmart probably don't need to keep this on hand as I don't know how long it lasts...but I like to have it

Simethicone (its a baby type version of Pepto Bismol or something like that) - for stasis

I'm also going to be giving you a package of electrolyte stuff called "bounce back" to have on hand and a small container of probiotic powder. I'm also hoping to type up for you a list of what treats I would give and when I would start them on the treats if you plan to give them (ex: I wouldn't give greens till June 1st for these gals). You will want to get Cheerios (although they haven't had them yet) and if you have fruit loops and promise to only give one or two every couple of days...that would be ok.'ll have my phone number so you can call me ANYTIME if you get concerned or have questions you can't find answered here.

I'm really excited that you're getting some of my girls as I feel they'll get a good home...

That is so much stuff! Once again you have me floored :eek:

You know I came to this message board to get help in figuring a few things out but what I've gotten is truly a life changing experience. There isn't a single instance in my entire life that I can recall anyone ever being so freely generous. It's just all so incredibly stunning and I can't tell you how greatful we both are for all that you are doing for us.

Again all of these guys (or gals rather) sound like they have really captivating personalities. I know it will be quite difficult to choose and it would also be sad to break up already bonded groups. I can imagine that would be quite depressing for them. Though the idea of more than two sounds both exciting and scary at the same time. Maybe it's something that we will just feel whether it would be right or wrong when the time comes.

When you get the chance I'd like to see pics of the chestnut that you are talking about as well cause I don't think I've seen her yet.

The harlequin & orange pair seem a tad less appealing as you said they are more interested in being with other rabbits rather than being with people. But still I know these things can change and they may make very loving affectionate pets.

I think I too shall go to bed now to think and dream about all of this.

Thank you again so much for all that you have already done for us!
I'm glad you are excited about the lionheads. I'm excited because I know that whoever you pick - they will have a good home.

I also don't want you to feel like you have to take more than two...ok? However - if you and your girlfriend find yourself really enjoying more than two when we meet - you can take however many you want. I have found that my girls really get along well and since these have practically been raised as littermates since they were weaned (and before they were weaned they would play together) - they'll be fine.

They really aren't "bonded" at this point in time....they just sort of hang out with certain ones vs. other ones. I didn't mention my other does that they hang out with (older does) because I'm keeping the older does. I was just shocked to notice how much the blue doe and the chestnut doe hung out together - but they have somewhat of the same personality I think.

I think that the two does that stay in the rabbitry at this point - haven't "matured" as much as the other ones. They don't have as much curiousity - they're just happy to be in there where everyone else is. The ones who have jumped the gate are the "brats" as I call them. They are my "two year olds" that you have to watch out for (if they were children). I think it is because I try to raise them to be as smart and inquisitive as they can be.

I want to warn you - my family all thinks they are spoiled - and they are. These litters are spoiled worse than any other because I literally ran out of cage space due to having so many my does have really had a lot of free run and if I can't catch them to lock them in the rabbitry at night (or if they hide from me...which does happen)....then they run around in the house at night. My kids are like, "We weren't that spoiled" and I must admit that I think Art is relieved that we got more cages today (my order came in).

Also - because these rabbits have become sort of independent in their free-roam experience - they will not hesitate to flick you off or thump you off. You will be getting lovable - but totally spoiled little brats with these gals. They think that they should have free run of whereever they want to be. I type this - the sable point has gone up to the fuzzy orange and is grooming her....and now the fuzzy orange is grooming the sable point. They cuddled together a mintue ago too - and there goes the fuzzy orange - off to jump the gate back into the bunny room....and the sable point is like "Where is my friend?"....

Well - I really must make myself go to bed - but I will try to get you photos after I wake up.


P.S. I think you've been on my website and seen the story about Spunky - how he came from a chestnut that shocked me by throwing a harlequin. Well....I mated her to a harlequin - hoping for all harlequins...only to get all chestnuts! That is where the chestnut came from. I was so upset because this chestnut is so awesome in type and mane - but I don't want to breed for chestnuts! She is such a cutie. Anyway - I'll share photos when I wake up....I'll get the kids to help me catch the rabbits....
I'm about to attempt to catch the girls for photos (they hate photos)....but I thought I'd take a moment to tell you about their moms and dads....and what their personalities are like. (Feel free to skip this message if you want).

The orange girls are from Stella....she looks awesome even now as an adult. I was told she was orange - a judge at a rabbit show said she's a badly marked tort. To me, she looks more orange and she throws orange. She is a SWEETHEART. She has a very gentle personality....wouldn't hurt another rabbit - and loves pets when she gets fed. When I put my does out to play - I can count on her behaving. She was given to me by someone getting out of rabbits and I just love her to pieces. She is one that I may keep when I'm done breeding her. She has an awesome mane and while she is larger than the typical lionhead should be - that is part of what makes her a good doe. Unfortunately, their dad got rehomed so I don't know a lot about his personality....and I don't really remember enough to talk about him as he was a younger buck. I do remember he liked pets.

The harlequin is from "Meathead" as she was called on this forum...and she later got renamed "Shopgirl". Meathead is....well...she is a bit more aggressive when she has playtime. Because of this - she normally gets her own exercise pen. She is allowed to play on the rabbitry floor with the other does *IF*I am around. She is a daughter from Miss Bea and she has Miss Bea's temperament. The doe you're considering is much more laid back and gentle than her mom ever I think she must have her dad's temperament....he is Akil on my webpage. He's very gentle and yet loves to play.

The chestnut is from Matilda - my chestnut doe that threw harlequins. Matilda is one of the ugliest lionheads I've ever seen...she has a narrow face - long body - is single mane. Yet - she throws some of the prettiest babies I've seen. Matilda is an awesome doe in the fact that she will nurse her litter (usually 7 or 8 babies - unusual for a lionhead) - and then - if I need to have her nurse another litter a while later - she'll turn around and nurse them. When we had our feed problem last fall - she nursed 24 babies in one day - and she did that for two days because I had does that had problems with their milk coming in. Matilda has a gentle personality - BUT - she likes her freedom. Her cage door is usually left open during the day so she can play on the rabbitry floor - when she feels threatened by another doe or if she gets tired - she'll just jump up into her cage (on the 2nd level). When she hears the food coming - she jumps up in her cage and waits for me. The chestnut's dad is Akil also...

The blue doe is from Delta....and her dad is Harry. In fact, I remembered that I can't breed her because Harry is her dad - he threw bad teeth in one litter.... Delta is a very quiet and laid back doe. She will accept pets - but when given playtime - she will frequently find one place and stay in it. She doesn't like confrontation and will run away from it if another doe seems to threaten her. The only time she is aggressive is if she wants to mate and then she wants to lay by the cage of the buck she has picked (while the does have playtime). Harry - is my favorite buck and I sure wish I could use him for breeding still - but we realized after this mating (it was his last) that he threw bad teeth in a litter. Harry is my cuddler - I love to hold him. He is soooo gentle - and when his cage is on the floor - the does will fight over who gets to lay next to his cage during playtime. Harry is being neutered this year and will share a cage with Hyacinth as his bond partner since they already love to be next to each other. He is probably my most gentle buck and he throws babies that not only look great -but have great personalities - not too much of fighters..

Finally - the sable point. Her mom is Ainsley (she's on my website) and her grandfather is Harry. This means Ainsley won't be having any more litters either due to the risk of bad teeth. Ainsley is one of my most interesting mamas. She doesn't like to be in between other does when the cages are being changed around....she prefers to be on top with one other doe or between a doe and a buck. She hates feeling closed in I think.... She is somewhat aggressive - no - make that VERY aggressive during playtime....and she frequently has to have playtime alone. However, I think that is because she doesn't like to feel overwhelmed with lots of does - I have noticed that if she is out with only one or two does - who don't try to dominate her - she does just fine! I think this doe gets her curiousity and playfulness from her mom - but I think she's getting a somewhat gentle nature from her dad (after watching her with others). Her dad is "Buck Jones" - a rabbit I named after a former forum member who passed away last year. He is a lilac buck (rare in lionheads) AND he has astrex type fur....not real common (or desired) in lionheads. Still yet, I needed his genes for my chocolate breeding program. He is a sweetheart....and he loves to sit in his cage right beside his partner Cocoa (as close to her as he can). She is in a cage beside him. I wish I could describe him better - but he is just a little sweetie. He's shy and nervous but he is so gentle and so "sweet"...

Well - that describes some of the family history - now to get off my duff here and go get some pictures for you - right?

I really do hope to give them as good of a home as I possibly can :)

Like I said before, I'm sure that we'll do whatever feels right and would be best for them when choosing how many we'd like to give a home to. From my estimations I'll have approx (with a 2nd floor) 20 square feet of cage space, that's certainly a lot more space then the old cage I had which was about 3.5 sq ft. When we get everything situated I'll take a few photos of the cage so you can see what we've done.

After thinking about it there doesn't seem like there would be really any signigicant complications caused by having more than two bunnies. As long as they are all compatible in which they could live in the same cage comfortable. They can all have their play time together, there would be more food to shell out, and more vet visits (for spaying & checkups) . But to me that really doesn't seem like much. Of course I may be really off here. What do you think?

I certainly don't see any problem with getting spoiled little girls since daddy plans on spoiling them anyways. lol

It's nice knowing where these lil guys come from (I read everything!). I wouldn't have even known their birthdays if I had gotten them from a pet store! I think it already helps us feel a connection to each of them with all that you've been telling us and maybe that will help us bond even more with the ones we choose.

As you were saying before about putting a few we select right now into a cage for awhile to see how they do together in close quarters. If you have the time I would ask if you could see about having pairs from that fun loving group of 4 (chestnut, sable, blue, & orange) put in there to see how they do together. I'd say just put all 4 of them in there but that cage would be too small for all 4 to fit in comfortably.

I can't wait to see pictures when you get them ready. You can always just e-mail the full size ones to me and I'll resize and post them if it will save you time.
Going from two to four might be big, but maybe consider three? I've heard about trios living fine together. As far as cost goes (for food and bedding and everything) you shouldn't have a problem because if you go buy hay from a local feed store or horse stable it shouldn't cost you more then 7-15% (Canadian) for good quality hay. Buying from petstores is probably the most ridiculous thing if you have acess to a hay somewhere else, because your paying probably anywehere from 3-5x more, and most of it's stale and bad quality.

For vets visit the only major ticket item would be the spaying and neutering. Rabbits are generally extremely healthy if they have a good diet. Check ups in my area are only around $20-25 and that's not too bad. The only thing you might consider is the time. Out time won't be a problem, but individual human-bunny timemight be a problem depending on your schedule, so what ever is best for you, you know best!
Like I've been saying I wouldn't go for even 3, let alone 4, unless it really feels like it would be the right thing to do. Though I'm curious why do you think 4 would be that more difficult than 3.

I've been trying to find a nearby feed store but haven't had much luck. I might have to check out online feed stores to fill our needs.

Spaying will be something we're gonna have to pay for as I believe the prices I found out for them were somewhere between $60-75 per rabbit.

I think we would have plenty of time for one on one with the bunnies. When we're not on campus we spend pretty much all of our afternoons and evenings at my apartment. I have nol doubt that they will be apart of our daily lives.
Just Jack wrote:
I've been trying to find a nearby feed store but haven't had much luck. I might have to check out online feed stores to fill our needs.
Just because I buy from a feedstore - doesn't mean you have to. Just stay away from the "P" brand....there seems to be something about the mill that supplies to Texas that breeders say it has problems - and as I've shared before - I've lost rabbits with it. When we meet, I'll try to remember to bring a tag from a feed bag with you and show you what you want to look for (if it says "by products" of anything in the first one-three items -I'd pass on it...'cause you "by products" can change from season to season). Plus you'll have a 10 pound bag which will do you for a bit if you mix it with whatever you buy for your rabbits...

I'm assuming you got the pictures I sent - there were 19 of them or so.....let me know if you'd like more specific pictures. We told the bunnies that we were taking photos for the people who might be their future mommy and daddy....I think we scared them as they sort of just sat there for a few photos...

I just started looking at the pictures and all four of them are so beautiful and cute. I'm gonna take a few minutes to see which ones I'm going to post.

I doubt the hay or pellets would ever be enough to break the bank. I'll do some research to see if it would be worth it to purchase the food from somewhere else besides Petsmart.
ok I've picked out a few of my favorite pictures of these lil guys

they all look so happy together. the orange and sable point look really cute cuddling in this first pic

and here they look like one big happy family:bunnydance:

I'll have to take a few pictures of their mini-mansion so they won't be so scarred :p

I'd like to see a few pics of just the chestnut since I haven't seen her before this and in there she is always squeezed in with the rest.

also thought I would add a couple of pics of the harlequin too cause she is also so very adorable


oh yeah, we've come up with a couple of possible names for the blue doe based on her color and personality. Since she's laid back, cool, and blue I was thinking of naming her after a blues or jazz musician. First there is Ella as in Ella Fitzgerald "The First Lady of Song" or Rainey as in Gertrude "Ma" Rainey "The Mother of the Blues."

I think Ella is the nicer sounding name (go figure since it's close to Elsa) though Ella Fitzgerald wasn't a blues singer exactly. Though I know that's just me getting too picky.

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