Just Jack wrote:
I'm also curious about what can you tell me about your blue doe. She seems very curious and petite.
I was watching the little blue doe today because I had planned to bring her to the college anyway for you to see her. She is very interesting. She was born 12/26 - I made a mistake - the oranges were born 12/19. I just looked at my date book again.
She is very shy and quiet. She likes to come out into the dining room/living room area most of the time - but she just sits off to the side and watches everyone else. I have caught her grooming other rabbits that come up to her - especially a younger chestnut one just a few minutes ago.
There is a certain something about this doe. I can't put it into words - but every once in a while you see it in one of the rabbits and they just stick out to you. If blue was a "showable" color - I'd be normally selling her for $100 or more because she has awesome type and mane....adn if you don't take her - she'll stay here and be a breeder rabbit most likely.
She has a personality that is sort of laid back and calm...yet the other rabbits will go to her for grooming and to be beside her. She doesn't seek them out - but she doesn't push them away. She likes to play in her own way - but she's a bit of a loner. That isn't it exactly - its like she doesn't NEED other rabbits - whereby the oranges and harlequin do tend to need others.
Her mama has a very gentle nature and I think that this doe got that from her.
While I was typing to you earlier, I heard paper shredding and didn't really think about it. MISTAKE! The sable point doe got up on the fireplace area and found a notebook and started shredding - she got about 15 pages before I caught on to what she was doing. If you take her - HIDE your textbooks....as she really likes to shred paper. So does the really fuzzy orange too.
By the way - I know you wanted two lionheads and thats fine. But if you find yourself too torn between them - you could have more in the cage you've made. All of these girls can live together - they do so now. I have four does living in my bedroom - plus others that wander in...no...make that 6 does I think...and they get along just fine. So don't feel like I'm going to be limiting you to just two.
Also, by the time they're full grown - they will only need about 1/2 cup of food per day (per lionhead). So their food won't be all that expensive.
My only real concern is...well...two things. They haven't hit puberty yet (but I have yet to really have a problem with a lionhead doe hitting puberty...they mostly get along here)...and there is a chestnut doe that hangs out with these particular does. Since I doubt you'll be taking them all - she'll be ok....but she and the blue doe have hung out together most of today and I had not realized that before - that they were close. What is funny is she likes to sit beside the blue doe and get groomed by her - but she likes to run and play with the sable poitn doe and an orange doe.
Well - I better head to bed - I was up to watch "Chicago Hope" again since I'd missed part of it this morning. I guess it boils down to this from what I'm observing:
a. Sable point doe, fuzzy orange doe, and blue doe like to hang out in the living room/dining rom - these three are used to each other. (They also know the other does - but they tend to stay in the family area of the house). The chestnut doe hangs out with them. The sable point doe is the "troublemaker" per se....the orange doe is an investigator and the blue doe is the watcher.
b. The other orange doe and the harlequin doe like to hang out together mainly in the rabbitry. They don't come out into the family areas as much. However, they are easier for me to catch and they come to me at supper time and when I'm putting out water. They know the other rabbits and they all interact...but these two tend to be more rabbit-oriented vs. people-oriented or exploratory. This could change as they get older.
c. The sable point doe is almost like having a 2 year old around. Be prepared to learn to put textbooks and notebooks up...but also be prepared for silly antics. The others are less troublesome....but not quite as much "fun" or "challenging".
I hope I've helped in some way!
P.S. If you know you're leaning towards certain ones - let me know and I'll cage them together for a couple of hours in a 24" x 24" cage to see how they react to each other and if there is any fighting....