Newbie- I need help.

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Aug 8, 2012
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My four year old Dutch rabbit has fleas. :(

I am picking up Advantage from the vet this evening. They recommended Revolution but because my girlie is Dutch I didn't want to chance it. Does anyone have any application tips/success stories with Advantage and Dutch bunnies?

I also have a question about treating the environment. We are moving at the end of the month, so the place we're in now can be bombed/fogged because we won't be here. What about our new place? Could it be bombed or treated in any way in advance and then cleaned so we could move bunny in safely? She does get to run free, and I'm afraid if we treat the new place and then let her out on the rugs she will get sick. If we did anything on the new place it would be at least a week in advance and we would vacuum like crazy everyday afterwards.

I've heard boric acid (?) mentioned for treating the environment- is it harmful to bunnies? Is it effective?

Thanks in advance for any advice, I just want my girlie to stop itching. :pray:
There are 2 pages about fleas in Rabbit Health in the 21st Century. Let me try to summarize:

if a few fleas: flea comb daily, put comb with fleas into warm soapy water, rinse & continue combing
if other pets: use flea comb on rabbit, while treating other pets with oral or surface meds
if many fleas: [note, book from 2003, so may not be up-to-date] recommends applying 5% Sevin dust, an insecticide containing carbaryl. Rub it into the fur with your hands.
Advantage: only for healthy rabbits aged 6 months to 5 years
Frontline: do not use
Program: kills eggs but not adult fleas
Revolution: only for healthy rabbits aged 6 months to 5 years
Sentinal: do not use
environmental treatment: carpets: annually treat with boric acid, safe & effective. Flea Busters contains boric acid.
or use regular table salt [though it says to reapply after vacuuming??]
washable surfaces: Murphy's Oil Soap contains a natural flea repellant
washable fabrics, bedding: wash in hot soapy water
Hi there and welcome to RO!

The Merck Veterinary Manual recommends Imidacloprid (advantage). I personally haven't used flea prevention, although it's something that may come up now that I have roommates with other pets, including a dog that does go in and outside.
While flea collars aren't safe to use on rabbits, a flea collar placed in your vacuum bag or canister will help kill any fleas that you vacuum up.

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