I just wanted to say hi to the group! I justfound you all yesterday, and i've had so much fun reading all theinformative posts.... Here's pictures ofmy new boy (my first rabbit ever!!) who i've named"Cinnabun". I got him from a local pet store, and the ownertold me that my new lil guy is roughly about 7 mos. old. I was alsotold by the pet store that he's a Dutch Lop-Eared rabbit, with Siamesemarkings..... I'm curious as to whether this isaccurate. Could anyone give me further info on the bunny'stype by just looking at the pictures?It's hard to tell fromthe pictures because of the "red-eye" from the camera, but Cinnabun'sgot deep chocolatey colored eyes.
I've had Cinnabun for exactly one week, and from what Ialready know he is a super active little fellow, loves to explore andhates it when i put him back in his bunny hutch at bedtime, comes to mewhen i make kissing noises and gives me a kissie on the mouth, and justacts like an independant rabbit in general. He seems to beeating incredibly well, and he just loves his timothy hay!
I've had Cinnabun for exactly one week, and from what Ialready know he is a super active little fellow, loves to explore andhates it when i put him back in his bunny hutch at bedtime, comes to mewhen i make kissing noises and gives me a kissie on the mouth, and justacts like an independant rabbit in general. He seems to beeating incredibly well, and he just loves his timothy hay!