Newbie here! my new boy....

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Jul 16, 2004
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I just wanted to say hi to the group! I justfound you all yesterday, and i've had so much fun reading all theinformative posts.... Here's pictures ofmy new boy (my first rabbit ever!!) who i've named"Cinnabun". I got him from a local pet store, and the ownertold me that my new lil guy is roughly about 7 mos. old. I was alsotold by the pet store that he's a Dutch Lop-Eared rabbit, with Siamesemarkings..... I'm curious as to whether this isaccurate. Could anyone give me further info on the bunny'stype by just looking at the pictures?It's hard to tell fromthe pictures because of the "red-eye" from the camera, but Cinnabun'sgot deep chocolatey colored eyes.

I've had Cinnabun for exactly one week, and from what Ialready know he is a super active little fellow, loves to explore andhates it when i put him back in his bunny hutch at bedtime, comes to mewhen i make kissing noises and gives me a kissie on the mouth, and justacts like an independant rabbit in general. He seems to beeating incredibly well, and he just loves his timothy hay!

:) Annie




Welcome! I am a newbie too. :p

Your new bunny is adorable! I have two myself, Chompers, who is aboutthree, I rescued him from a terrible situation (wasn't planning onhaving a pet rabbit but you know how those things go), and now babyAbby, who is around three months old (we got her a 7 weeks). I havepics of them that I need to figure out how to post so you all can seethem instead of links.

Anyway, welcome aboard. I've only been here one day myself but alreadylove it. :) I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone better.
Hi and welcome!

Cinnabun's color is called Siamese Sable, and I've seen it in Hollandand Mini Lops. He looks much like my Izzy and Pandemonium--see My Albumon this site

Except his face is much thinner and his ears are pretty long. You cansometimes get Hollands that look like that, but my guess is that he's abigger breed. Although Izzy's ears are long too! Does he weigh about 4lbs.? Or up to 6 lbs.--Izzy's a Holland with a long pedigree but shegrew too big for breed standard.


Hi Stephanie and Rabbitgirl :)

Thanks for your replies to my post..... Everyoneseems so nice and helpful here, and it's great to know i'm not the onlynewbie!

Stephanie, Chompers and Abby sound so cute!Like you, i neverplanned i'd have a bunny but I guess stranger things have happened.

Rabbitgirl, Cinnabun does have similar coloring to Izzy andPandemonium..... From the pics in your album i'd say thatyour bun buns might be a bit darker hued then Cinnabun, but then againmy camera's flash tends to lighten and brighten things out quite a bit.

Truthfully, i hadnt thought to weigh Cinnabun yet. I'll have to dothat, so then i'd now about how much he weighs. Unfortunatly, all ihave is one of those older model scales that dont give super precisereadings, so the weight will probably be "give or take a half pound orso".

Welcome Welcome, dobbyru!

Glad you found us. :)

Jump in anywhere.

Rabbitgirl, Cinnabun does have similar coloring to Izzy andPandemonium..... From the pics in your album i'd say thatyour bun buns might be a bit darker hued then Cinnabun, but then againmy camera's flash tends to lighten and brighten things out quite a bit.

Actually, they were just that color when younger. At least Izzywas--Pandemonium was more gray than brown. They darken upconsiderably--and mine, in fact, ended up a bit mottled in color aftertheir second year. Don't know why! Plus, that was a very dark andcloudy winter day.

Cinnabun's markings should get more distinct as he ages. The brown willdarken to a rich sable and the light fur will acquire a light brownishdusting on the back. I can tell he's still got his baby fur--it lookslight and oh so soft. It will probably get thicker, denser, and shinierover the next 2 yrs.He's beautiful!

OOOOOOOOH! I love Cinnabun's color now, but if hedoes darken up like Izzy & Pandemonium he'd be even morehandsome!!! :) I thought he had really pretty markingsnow..... it would be wonderful if they get even more intensein color.

Rezbeck, Carolyn, and Lissa - thanks for welcoming me to thegroup! I usually dont post in forums, but i'm glad I decidedto post about my bun bun here..... the whole forum seems sonice!

Welcome to the forum Annie. Thanks forthe pictures of your sweet bun. We love bunnypictures. This is a good positive place to hangout. You can laugh, cry and learn on this forum!:) We have a goodtime! Beckie,Trouble &Trixie

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