New Member
My name is Kiatu. My girlfriend and I have two rabbits and we're both first time rabbit owners. Let me introduce them:
This is Topher, a male Holland Lop:

He is a year and two months old. We got him when he was 8 weeks old. He tends to be scared of people, but loves me and my girlfriend. He loves to sit in his chair and on me when I'm in here
This is Nala, a female Dutch:

She is a sweetheart. She loves everyone and loves playing. She is 7 months old. We've had her since she was 8 weeks as well. She stays in her cage and we try to let her out for a few hours each night (we haven't been able to trust her to not chew up the carpet). She is fixed as well.
We've just started the bonding process and things are not going well. Nala just sits there and doesn't take much notice to Topher. Topher, however, takes to boxing her and ripping her fur out. He also bites. From what I can tell, he seems to be doing this out of fear, his tail is not up, his eyelids not closed, and his ears are not laid back. But I'm not sure, I'm new to this. He tries to sniff her but as soon as she moves the slightest, he attacks her. He claws and bites at her as she runs away. We're not sure what to do to remedy the situation. We separate them quickly when this happens.
It's nice to meet you all and I enjoy reading about you and your furry friends. Thanks for your help.