Well-Known Member
There are posts all over Craigslist at least inall the Canadian cities OFFERINGpets for "adoption",sometimes with details, sometimes not. They're targeting petsthat people want (Teacup Chihuhaus, etc). Sometimes they'llattach a cheap rate ($250), but more often it's 'email fordetails'.
The wording is always similar -- the word 'adoption', often in titlecase (capitalized first letter), but when you reply, they'll do thesame old scam -- I think they tell you they'll send you a check tocover shipping, shots or whatever, and you send them the difference, orhowever else they've figured out how to work it. Thechecks/money ordersare always phony, but look genuine enoughto make it through the bank, but when they bounce a month later, YOU'REon the hook for the money.
More details as I get some of my test replies. Do not arrangeto 'adopt' any pet without going through a credible, traceablesource! Google the name, the phone number, whatever it takes,to get a history! (And don't give anybody any money unlessthe transaction is made in person, or you've very sure of the history).
The wording is always similar -- the word 'adoption', often in titlecase (capitalized first letter), but when you reply, they'll do thesame old scam -- I think they tell you they'll send you a check tocover shipping, shots or whatever, and you send them the difference, orhowever else they've figured out how to work it. Thechecks/money ordersare always phony, but look genuine enoughto make it through the bank, but when they bounce a month later, YOU'REon the hook for the money.
More details as I get some of my test replies. Do not arrangeto 'adopt' any pet without going through a credible, traceablesource! Google the name, the phone number, whatever it takes,to get a history! (And don't give anybody any money unlessthe transaction is made in person, or you've very sure of the history).