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Feb 21, 2013
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I dont have a bunny yet, but i will hopefully in the next month. I will be getting a lionhead female to show in 4-H. I am really excited because i have never owned a rabbit before. I have done tons of research and am excited to get started! Any advice for me?
Read, read, and read some more. Is this going to be a youngster? Young rabbits have different needs than older ones. It will be a learning experience for quite a bit, as bunnies require more care and hands on than other companion animals.
Hi & welcome!
I'm new here myself & still a new bunny mom to two Jersey Wooly does so I will leave the advice to other more experienced members. This is a very helpful place to ask questions & chat about bunnies. I've learned so much just reading the posts here. Hope you will enjoy it here & I know you will LOVE your new lionhead when you get her! Congratulations!
About 6 months nancy, so young, but not a baby. How big of a hutch should it have? I cant find anything.
At six months, she'll just be entering her teenage months, so be prepared! For the next six months, more or less, the hormones will be raging. The good news is that after that, she'll settle down again - but it can be quite a ride while it lasts. At least it was with my first bunny, Scone, but he was a male. It could be different with females. Natasha was two when she came to live with me, so I missed her adolescence.

Her house should be as big as possible - at least tall enough for her to stand up on her hind legs, and at least twice her stretched-out length in width. If you can arrange a second level, that's even better. Natasha's a mini-Rex, maybe a bit bigger than a lion head, and her cage is one meter wide and half a meter deep on the ground level, four feet wide on the second floor (the cage was European, hence metric, but I built the upper level from Home Depot wire shelving that's sold in feet).
Ok, she is going to be mainly an outside bunny. Unless the weather gets to cold/ hot. How cold/hot can it be before i bring them in?
There are many weather styles that rabbits can live in. We are located in south east Texas and ours stay in temps ranging from 30degF to 110degF. When it gets really hot we do things such as ice bottles, ice in the water, and running fans. In the cold temps we cover our cages with tarps and make sure they are covered from the winds

The main things are to protect them from the sun, rain, snow, and north winds. As for cage size. Alot of people on here keep their rabbits in huge pens because they are pets but if you are looking for something else (we keep ours in wire cages) I can suggest some things if you were looking into them already.
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I am looking for a nice hutch, a mix of wood and wire. I would like it off the ground, as we have many outdoor cats around. I will only let it on the ground supervised.

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