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Well-Known Member
May 2, 2005
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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Hi all, just a quick introduction from me. Idiscovered this forum about a week ago when I was online doing researchon rabbit info (suppliers, care and breeding, etc.). I live in Ottawa,Ontario, and right now I don't have any bunnies (just a couple of crazycats and a very weird dog). But I am on a waiting list for two Englishlop does. I've always loved the breed and have wanted one for years,so...pending all goes well with the birth and availability...I shouldbe an owner by sometime in July. :eek:)

I actually used to raise and show rabbits many years ago - back in the80s -when I lived in Nova Scotia, so I'm not entirely new tobunny ownership. I used to raise Hollands and BE Polish (and asmattering of others off and on). However, it has been such a long timesince having them (and a brief ownership of a ND a little while ago)that I felt I needed 'refresher courses' in owning and raising rabbits.So I've been surfing the net, and have a couple of books on order aswell that will hopefully have more in-depth info that I'm seeking.

It's so nice to see so many who love rabbits just as much as I do! Allof my friends and family roll their eyes at me whenever I mentionrabbits around them, so I'm happy to find people who share the samelove.

So wonderful to find your forum, and I look forward to participating in bunny chat!

Diana (Di)
Welcome aboard,Diana!

I can assure you, weare crazy-in-love with our bunnies onthis forum.Have you taken a look at the Cheat Sheetfor Rabbit Care post? It's got some suggestions of books,some website links, and notes in there that you might find helpful.

Welcome, To this Marvelous Forum!!!

Welcome!!! How are you??SO glad that you'vejoined! This is an amazing site, don't worry about posting a newthread, if you've got questions/concerns, we've probably got theanswer! Thanks to all the AMAZING people on this site, i'm sure you'llfit in nicely:D!

Hello and welcome.

Please feel free to ask away. I adore English Lops. I can'twait until I'm able to add some to our house. I hope we will be seeingmore of you here. We are definitely Bunny lovers here.

Ellie, that was so sweet.

Wow...thank you all for the warm welcome! Youknow, ever since I decided to get back into having rabbits in my life,I've been wanting to talk about them so much, yet have no one here (in*real life*) who shares the interest. And I miss that! When I stilllived in NS my best friend also became interested in rabbits, and shekept a few herself (actually, she still does) and we would get togetherto let the rabbits out for playtime, we'd chat about them, go to rabbitshows together, etc. But now we live about 800 miles away from oneanother and don't really have time to keep in touch. So thank you guysfor being here!

Oh, and I just went and looked up the Cheat Sheet, Carolyn...thanks!There's a lot of info there for sure. And I noticed that both of thebooks I have on order are in the list of recommended books ("LopRabbits as Pets" and "The Rabbit Handbook: Purchase, Care, andBreeding, Understanding Rabbit Behavior").

It sure would have been nice to have had you guys around 20-some yearsago when I was first raising rabbits...there were so many times I hadquestions that no one - not even my vet - could answer. Back thenrabbits weren't very recognized at the veterinary clinics in the area,so if one got sick, the vets were as mystified as I was.

Anyway, it's nice to meet all of you! :)

I'm in Ottawa too, although not native to Canada, just married one of you. ;)

This is a great place to talk about rabbits, from bunny kisses tobreeding to possible problems. I know what it's like in "Real Life" notto have anyone other than my hubby to talk to about our rabbits. Theyjust don't get it!
LOL Stephanie, I know what you mean...they don'tget it! My sister thinks I'm nuts because I love rabbits. Well, I loveall animals, but rabbits have always held a special place in my heart.

So you married one of us, huh? How long have you been living in Ottawa,if you don't mind me asking? I'm actually in Vanier, been here since1987 (yikes!). But I have always longed to live in the United States.It feels like my real home for some reason (must be a past life thing).

Oh, and since I figured out how to post pics...with my son's help,'s a picture of the rabbit I had a few years ago. His namewas Rufus, and he lived with me for about a year or so. He escaped fromthe yard one day while loose (I have never seen a rabbit who was such adetermined escape artist as him!) and he wound up living, quiteliterally, on the street for the next year and a half. He startedhanging out with the cats in the neighborhood...they could be seenplaying tag with one another in the evenings, to the amusment of myneighbors, and he'd have his own particular places to go and sleep.None of us could catch him, so we finally were resigned to the factthat he had decided he was a feline, and that was that. Unfortunatelyhe disappeared last spring, and no one saw him again. He was getting upthere in years...was around 9 or so when he disappeared...and I hadactually adopted him from the Humane Society, so I like to think thathis remaining time here was at least spent in happiness. In all theyears I owned rabbits he was the only one who managed to get loose andrun free without being captured. I still miss that little guy.

Bassetluv wrote:
Wow...thank you all for the warm welcome! You know, ever since I decided to get back into having rabbits in my life, I've been wanting to talk about them so much, yet have no one here (in *real life*) who shares the interest. And I miss that!....
I suspect that most of us don't have a lot of people in our lives willing and interested in speaking "rabbit." That's one of the main reasons I am enjoy the Forum. Glad you found us and look forward to seeing more of you around here.


I have only been here a few months now, and EVERYONE is GREAT!

ANY questions i've EVER had, have been answered, and i've met somefriends here, i'll always stay in contact with. It's nice having peopleto chat about the Monkeys! with, and they 'get it'. I don't have to sitand explain, 'why' that was funny...

I look forward to talking with you,

What an adorable rabbit! Has that look of mischief in his eyes.

I've been in Ottawa since last September, but was in the Toronto areaduring the spring/summer of last year. I'm originally from Vermont.Right now, I'm going through the Immigration process, which should bedone soon (fingers crossed).
Hi Diana and welcome,

I feel thesame way not too many people care when i talk about bunnies.My husband don't get why I get excited when i see a wild one cause Ihave two in the house.. I have Luv and Roger. Both came fromthe shelter but at differnt times. Luv looks kinda of likeyour guy that got away.. I am not good at posting pictures but did itin the past so if you do a seach under Luv you should come accross apicture or two of her.

Welcome to the forum! Cant wait to see pics of your buns :) I just got mine last week :)

hey and welcome to the fourm I look forward ongetting to know you and hopefully the bith goes well and you get yourbabys,I have two rabbits The one shown below is Thumper she is about 7months old and she is a Mini-Lop

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