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Aug 27, 2009
Reaction score
North Bay, Ontario, Canada
Hi everyone,

I was directed here by a person who is also a member of the rat forum I belong to. We have adopted our daughter's two Holland Lop bunnies. Their names are Digger (5 years)and Pancakes (2Years). We have been buying Kaytee Timothy Hay from a pet stores. One of the girls I work with has to rabbits and she feeds them hay from a farm. The big bails . Is this okay to feed them? I am sorry but I don't know if this bail has a special kind of hay.

Welcome to the forum. Where are you located?

I recently bought hay from a farm. It has to be a grass hay like Timothy, Brome, or Orchard. Make sure it does not contain Alfalfa. It is definitely cheaper than the bagged hay.
pla725 wrote:
Welcome to the forum. Where are you located?

I recently bought hay from a farm. It has to be a grass hay like Timothy, Brome, or Orchard. Make sure it does not contain Alfalfa. It is definitely cheaper than the bagged hay.

Why not alfalfa hay?
Welcome to RO! I buy my hay by the bale (60 to 90 lb bales) and try and get as much variety as I can. It gets them eating more, and eating lots of hay is very healthy. :)

Saudade wrote:
Why not alfalfa hay?

Alfalfa is pretty rich for adult bunnies. Its very high in protein (and calcium). Grass hays are their natural diet.

I really have to check into the lucerne hay you get down under and compare the contents to North American alfalfa.

Although if that's something you'd be interested in helping with, Dave, I'd love you forever. (Or at least another week or two). :)

sas :bunnydance:
Welcome to the forum Ann I also have 2 Hollands and you will absolutely love this forum I just joined also and have already learned so much and really enjoy how friendly everyone is.
Welcome to the forum... I just adore lops!!! Look forward to seeing pics of your two, and hearing about them too!!!
:helloand :welcome1to RabbitsOnline, Ann. I am glad you found the site. RO is a very active, friendly and helpful website devoted to rabbits and their slaves.

Here are some good links to areas of the site you might find interesting, the Library section, full of good reference info, Bunny Blog, where you can keep everyone up to date on your bunny and your life as a bunny slave and if you bunny would like to ask questions of other buns the Bunny Chat is the spot to be. The regional forum is a good way to find a rabbit savvy vet or to post places where you get some of your supplies for your bun etc. For the lighter side and to give you a chuckle or two stop by the go to the Let Your Hare Down section for anything but bunny's.

You don't have to say what city your in but if you could update your profile with an area ofyour in, may be likeNorth west Ohio etc, that would help others provide you with info that may help you and your bunny.

If you would like to post pictures in your post this link How to put photo's in your posts will help explain that.

I hope I didn't overwhelm you with info. This is a wonderful site and I look forward to seeing pictures of your bun and stories about them.


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