Tiny's mom,
I guess I just want to make sure I'm doing everything right. I have registered with ARBA, my local area club, and the National Californian Club. I want to show them in September but am a little green about how to go about this.
1) I believe Californians have an "intermediate" group (they are a 6 class breed in the show ring?). If so, what is the criteria for age/size of this group. I can't find much information about it.
2) I need to find some cages to take to the show.... any ideas of good websites or places to get them? Also mini fans for cages should it be hot?
3) I have been to one rabbit show before to see how it went, and I guess I couldn't get close enough to get a really good look at how they were setting the rabbits up, etc... since the owners of the rabbits showing were all in front. I guess I'm just looking for a general overview of how the showing works... will they call your group out? Can you put more than one rabbit in the same class?
I have lots of questions, but I want to make sure I'm educated before I go about doing things the wrong way. I am totally in love with my trio of Californians, as they are super sweet and cute. Plus, this is my first time with a large breed rabbit. I've always had dwarf breeds, but am LOVING these gentle giants!
Thanks again and any advice, websites, literature, that you can think of would be greatly appreciated!