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The Haven Rabbitry

Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2010
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, Virginia, USA

My name is Brooke. I am located in upper Virginia. I have recently embarked on breeding Californians. I have a trio and am planning to show and breed them in the fall. I'd like any advice anyone can give me!


Welcome to the forum - I have moved your post to the rabbitry area.

It would help us give you advice if you had specific questions to what questions come to your mind first?
Thanks everyone! I'm trying to find someone that's been breeding/showing the Californian breed for a while. I'm new at this and trying to do everything right, so hopefully I will get some helpful information!


Tiny's mom,

I guess I just want to make sure I'm doing everything right. I have registered with ARBA, my local area club, and the National Californian Club. I want to show them in September but am a little green about how to go about this.

1) I believe Californians have an "intermediate" group (they are a 6 class breed in the show ring?). If so, what is the criteria for age/size of this group. I can't find much information about it.

2) I need to find some cages to take to the show.... any ideas of good websites or places to get them? Also mini fans for cages should it be hot?

3) I have been to one rabbit show before to see how it went, and I guess I couldn't get close enough to get a really good look at how they were setting the rabbits up, etc... since the owners of the rabbits showing were all in front. I guess I'm just looking for a general overview of how the showing works... will they call your group out? Can you put more than one rabbit in the same class?

I have lots of questions, but I want to make sure I'm educated before I go about doing things the wrong way. I am totally in love with my trio of Californians, as they are super sweet and cute. Plus, this is my first time with a large breed rabbit. I've always had dwarf breeds, but am LOVING these gentle giants! :)

Thanks again and any advice, websites, literature, that you can think of would be greatly appreciated!

From here

The Showroom weights for the Californian are as follows:

Senior Bucks-8 months of age and over, weight 8-10 lbs. Ideal weight 9 lbs.
Senior Does-8 months of age and over, weight 8 1/2-10 1/2 lbs. Ideal weight 9 1/2 lbs.
Int Bucks-under 8 months of age, not over 9 lbs.
Int Does-under 8 months of age, not over 9 1/2 lbs.
Jr. Bucks-under 6 months of age, not over 8 lbs. Min weight 5 1/2 lbs.
Jr. Does-under 6 months of age, not over 8 1/2 lbs. Min weight 5 1/2 lbs.
Pre-Jr. Bucks & Does- under 3 months of age, not over 5 1/2 lbs.

As far as the travel cages - I'm going to try to ask my friends up in the PA/OH area that go to a lot of shows. I know there is one company up there that has AWESOME travel carriers - I have one or two of them if I remember right. I want to say it is Martin's or something like that....but I'm way down here in TX....

As far as how they do things up there - it may be different than how they do things down here in Texas. I went to a show in CT last year and was surprised at some of the differences - small things - but still yet...different than what I was used to.

Here is what happens here.

When you go into the show - you fill out the entry forms and register for the show. In my case - since I normally go to double shows - that means for each show I have one form that lists ALL of my entries - and then one separate entry form for each rabbit which is used when the judges talk about the rabbits. These last forms are in triplicate or duplicate - I forget which. Probably duplicate.

Anyway - I turn in all those forms and payment and then I go into the showroom.

Now here in Texas - I have noticed they're starting to putting signs at the various tables of what breeds will be shown at that table (it also states the order). So I try to put my rabbits somewhat close to that table area -but not right in front or beside of the table.

When they start the show - they'll start calling out the breed and here - they put that small duplicate form on top of the space where that rabbit goes. We have front and back wire on our judging coops - so you don't have to hold the rabbits in the coops - it seems like at the show I saw in Ct. - the folks had to hold their flemish in the coops - but I could be wrong.

You will basically take your rabbits up to the coop that has their paper on it - and put them in those coops.

From there - the judges/assistant (writer) will take over - they'll verify the ear number against the papework.

When the rabbit is done being judged - it is put back in the coop and as long as it isn't BOB - one copy of that form (yellow copy) is put back in with it. When you grab the form - you'll see X's where the judges comments were - like an "X" in good for body type and excellent for head or whatever.

The copies that are returned to you are yours to do whatever you want with them - they should also be stamped/signed with the judges' name/number on the back.

I hope this helps..any other questions?
I have looked at the Martins cages. Which size would be appropriate? I would like the trio cages as I have three that I want to take with me. I just want to make sure I give them enough room, but not too much room. If you could tell me which size would be best, that would be great. Thank you so much for your help. It's nice to be able to access other rabbit breeders who can help each other out!

I am in Oregon and breed Cali's. I LOVE their personalities. They are some of the best rabbits out there.

If you need any help, let me know. :D

Another question... i tattooed my rabbits yesterday and one of the does scratched her ear and got ink all over her face!!! Any good suggestions to get it off? And if not, how long will it take to go away? I'm showing them in a month. Otherwise the process went very well. I've never done it before, but I think everything came out really well! :)
I kept a Californian doe once. BEST. DOE. EVER! Super friendly, AWESOME with her kits, healthy and robust! I never lost a kit from her. She went to another breeder when I cleared out my red-eyed stock. Whenever we chat he tells me how amazing that doe is and how huge her kits are :D

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