New to forum, plz help identify breed of bunny

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New Member
May 30, 2012
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baton rouge, Louisiana, USA
Hi, im new the site. Me and my Gf are wanting to buy a rabbit. I had a few questions. We recently went to a feed store and saw some rabbits.We were told they are mini rex. There was one rabbit that stay by itself in the corner it was the smallest of all the rabbits in the cage (it was very very small maybe 4 or 5 inches long) and it had a different shape,it looked like like a different breed. The guy that worked theretold us that perticual rabbit came by itself a few weeks ago. My gf immediately wanted that rabbit of course because it was so tiny, and because she thought it wasnt doing to good and wanted to take care of it.I dont know much about rabbits but it to me it looked too young to be away from its mother. On the way home we noticed that it was sneezing alot. After research we found that it might have snuffles. The rabbit seemed very skinny when i held it, i could feel its ribs real easily. But when we got it home and fed it, it seemed to be doing fine. We had it for a few days and one morning we woke up and it had died :(. It was strange cause it was doing fine when we went to bed the night before. After looking at pictures on the internet i think it may have been a netherland dwarf, or i saw a picture of what someone calleda teacup mini rex. Here is a some pictures of it, if yall could help identify it.
From what I can see, she does not seem to be a mini-rex. Her fur seems to be too long.

Looks like a mix to me, I'm not exactly what kind- Himalayan colored bunnies are always tough for me.

Welcome to RO!

What a sweetie. I agree with Bailey that it's not a mini rex. It could be a Netherland or even a Polish mix. Love the "pointed" pattern (nose, ears). The coloring looks blue to me (that's gray in bunny world).

Sorry to hear of your loss.Bunnie hold their illnesses in well, and can succumb before you have a chance. One day fine, next day sick.

Hoping you findanother soon! Let us know when you do!Bunnies are awesome!


thanks for the responses, yall have been very helpful. We didnt have her for very long but we were already attached, and miss her alot now. I have been reading threads and articles on this forum and it is very informative, with nice and helpful members too. We do plan on gettin 2 more so they will beable to play with each other while we are at work. Just gotta find a breeder now!!
Cute cute cute!!

I'm not good with breed identification yet. My first guess would have been a dwarf of some sort, Netherland or polish.

So sorry for your loss. That would be horrible. You guys did nothing wrong it sounds as though the bun was already sick.

Good luck finding another bun!

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