Hi, I am wondering if someone with experience can give an opinion. Some infor about us. We have 2 kids (7 and 3), live in a rural area with a good size back yard. Current pets are only fish. We borrowed a pair of rats a couple years ago and LOVED them, but unfortunatly my husbands allergies to all things animal were bad enough we couldn't keep them. The 7 year old boy is a very, very, very serious animal lover. We have been going around and around for months about what sort of pet to introduce to our family. I initially said no Rabbits because I didn't want to have to keep them out doors in winter. After contacting a local breeder and asking lots of questions, I was assured that with proper housing they can winter just fine in our garage. So, my plan is to set everything up and surprise my son with our new additions for his birthday. And to be clear here, I fully understand that I will be providing most of the care for the bunnies, it is not an impulse buy, and I understand the commitment.
I searched spca locally and found nothing, but found a breeder who has lots of mini lop babies ready to go. So to my question. My gut says get 2 bunnies from the same litter, so they always have company. Yes, I understand they need time, and plan on giving it. I have already ordered a small playpen area they can come and visit in the house, and will get a play area for outside as well. But, is it best for a bunny to have a furry conmpanion as well? I know one (or both) will need to be fixed. And the breeder said if I get 2 she will only do 2 girls. So from real life experience, should I get 2, or will a single bunny be ok? Thanks.
I searched spca locally and found nothing, but found a breeder who has lots of mini lop babies ready to go. So to my question. My gut says get 2 bunnies from the same litter, so they always have company. Yes, I understand they need time, and plan on giving it. I have already ordered a small playpen area they can come and visit in the house, and will get a play area for outside as well. But, is it best for a bunny to have a furry conmpanion as well? I know one (or both) will need to be fixed. And the breeder said if I get 2 she will only do 2 girls. So from real life experience, should I get 2, or will a single bunny be ok? Thanks.