New rescue! In a poor way.

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thank God for people like you that take in the needy! glad he will be ok. i rescue rats myself so i know its hard to not worry when u see the little ones this way.
Oh my goodness just look at him now..he is absolutely adorable...glad to hear he's doing well..
Look how the expression in his face has changed! You're an angel to reach out and help him ~

This planet truly needs more kind-hearted responsible rabbit persons; responsible owners .period. (of all species).

When people are uncaring and cruel, your Rescue efforts bring warmth, trust and security, happiness & TLC to innocent faces.

Baxter is a lucky and handsome fella to have your love. :hearts :nod

Please fill us in as you can,
Thankyou so much for your kind words. It honestly means so much to hear how my work is appreciated.

He's such a character, as you can tell by the photo. It makes me crack up everytime.

Again, love to you all, you've all made my day :)