New rescue! In a poor way.

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Active Member
Aug 16, 2010
Reaction score
Melbourne, , Australia
I picked up Baxter today. He's in need of a vet as soon as possible. Im praying I can get him in tomorrow.

He has a gunky eye, abloated belly and his spine is easily felt. I think his bloat is due to a quick diet change. The people I got him from had the RSPCA come out2 week ago and tell them they needed more to eat than grain so had chucked in a floor full of lettuce and stopped with the grain:grumpy:I'd say he's about4 months old. He isn't particularly lethargic, and is happy to hop around the couch. I haven't fed the buns yet, so don't know how hungry he is, and haven't seen him drink so far. No poo to examine either.

He's very dirty, obviously a sign he isn't in good health and bullied by the 4 other rabbits and 7 other guinea pigs in his cage. Im thinking its probably not a good idea to wash him today- a new home and a bath, way to stressful.

So here is Baxter, he's such a sweety pie.(Thats his good eye)I am so hopeful I can get him in to the vet during the week, otherwise I hope he can wait till Saturday:pray::pray:Im not confident:(:(:(


And heres my angel Harvey.He is ready to be rehomed. He's finished his medication and his fur is growing back. Im giving him another week with me until I start advertising him. Im gonna miss him, he has so much personality.


Poor bunny, He does look bad :(

I would offer hay and water and hold off on anything else for now. Why does he look wet? Was the cage that bad? (like I even need to ask) I can't believe there were four bunnies and seven guinea pigs in the same cage together :X

I hope he is just dirty and it's nothing serious :pray:
He was wet everywhere, on his back, feet, face :(

I assume his feet is from being on the floor and the rest was from have other rabbits humping him.
Poor baben..
Oh wow, he looks awful. Poor guy! :tears2:
You are a wonderful person for rescuing him. I hope all goes well at the vet. :clover:
Poor Baxter, so glad you got him out of that situation. So much bunny sadness out there.

I had found a bunny that had a coat like Baxter's but he didn't have any other issues so we were able to clean him up. It took a while - he felt grimey, but after a couple of days looked much better. Do you have a brush? That will even his coat out and start things going. (says the girl whose rabbit won't let him brush him!!)

Let us know how you make out at the vet.

Harvey is beautiful, but Baxter will be soon too!
Someone on here suggested that I add apple juice to water, cause Jacob wasn't drinking. And let me say that was the best advice ever given, cause he drinks all his water now. Also it gets him a little more vitamins too. :)

I hope Harvey gets better soon. At least he does not have to suffer in those obscene conditions anymore. He is such a cuttie, you are awesome for rescuing him.

What happened to the other bunnies and guinea pigs? Are they still at that place?
I think its wonderful you rescued him, hoping for good news xxx
I too am wondering. Was the bloat in his belly or his intestines? The reason I ask is because bloat in the intestines can be treated with baby gas meds, belly massages, etc, but bloat in the belly really needs a vet's help ASAP. It often can only be remedied by a vet.
Thanks for the well wishes. Baxter and I really appreciate it.
Im so happy to say that the vets says Baxter will be completely fine.
I have been given some 'Opticlox' for his eye and she thinks his big belly only feels bloated because the rest of him is so skinny but she wormed him just in case.
I was worrying over nothing!

I'll give him a wash tomorrow and post a photo.
Again, thankyou for your concern and love:hug2: