New Rabbit Question

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Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2014
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Last night we brought home a 5 week old lionhead. The place we got him from hated to see him go, all the people there loved him. They said he was very cuddly, which he is.
We got him set up, and then we had to leave for a bit. When we got back, we opened the cage to see if he would come out for us. He did, he hopped right out and gave my SO a little head bump. Then he walked over to the couch and sat in front of it. We picked him up and sat with him on the couch for the next few hours. He even dozed off a few times.
This morning he seems really skittish. He's thumping, and just acting nervous. What are some ways to calm him down? We herded him over to his cage after a bit because he seems comfortable there. Should we leave him be while he gets used to his new surroundings?
Five weeks is way too young for rabbits to be bought/sold/bartered/traded/etc.

I would recommend taking him back to his breeders for now and picking him up sometime after he turns 8 weeks old. Weaning is rough on young rabbits. Between 3-6 weeks old, they're particularly susceptible to GI upset, which can be mild or serious depending on the situation. Transitioning to a new home during that time is even more stress on the body, which could explain his uncharacteristic behavior.

He doesn't necessarily need to be with his mom at this age; you can safely wean rabbits beginning at 4 weeks old. However, he shouldn't have been moved to a new environment so young. I'm not faulting you for his move, of course. But I do think it would be wise to make arrangements to return him until he is both legally and physically/emotionally ready to leave. It is illegal in most U.S. states to buy/sell rabbits younger than 8 weeks old.
I am convinced he's older than 5 weeks. That's just what we were told, and I was skeptical when they told me. I know he's been at the petstore, who I believe got him from a rescue because they thought he would have a better chance of getting picked up there, for at least three weeks, because we kept going back to see him. And the first time we saw him, he definitely was not a newly born bun. I'm starting to wonder if the guy meant 5 months. He doesn't look like a baby at all, he's pretty big, he's thick and strong.
Here are some pictures. I'd love to get a more accurate age on him.

photo 1.JPG

photo 2.JPG

photo 3.JPG
He does not look as young as five weeks old to me.

Remember he is a prey animal and is also in a new place. He will take some time to adjust and calm down. You can help him get used to you by sitting in the room with him whether he is in his cage or not. You can talk to him or even read out loud to him so he can learn and get used to your voice.

Bribery works well so keep some pellets on hand and when he comes near you reward him with a pellet.

You can also provide him with somewhere he can hide when he feels threatened such as a cardboard box.
Definitely at least 3 months old in my opinion :) he has the craziest mane I've ever seen too! Make sure he has some sort of box to hide in to help him feel secure and whenever you approach the cage just do so slowly and talking softly to him. Changing homes can be very stressful for prey animals.
A gentlebunny with mutton chops! LOL

Thumping isn't normal, especially if he was fine the day before. I'd wager something scared him. Any other pets in the house? Or is he near a window where he could have spotted a predatory bird fly over?

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