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New Member
Jun 3, 2005
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA
Hello, all;

I am new to this site as you can see. My kids got 5 rabitslast week... one for each kid. :) Last night, after I camehome from work, I noticed that some of the rabbits were scratchingthemselves and then would jump and run from one end of the cage toanother. They would scratch themselves again afterstopping. I also noticed some of them jumping a little bit asif startled and run end to end in the cage. I am sure theyhave mites or ticks.

I am surely concerened and trying to look for help here for I have noidea what to do lest go to the pet store and look for mite/tickmedication. I need some advice before proceeding.

They won't scratch at ticks, and you can justpluck off the ticks you see. Mites or fleas on the other hand, i'd usemedication designed for cats, as they are closely related indosages.....if you have serious doubts, see your vet. If it's mainlythe ears, and they shake their head a lot, then get ear mite medicationrecommended for cats.

Thanks, Laura and BB for the replies.

So, I can see the ticks? (you can see my level of ignorance).Scratching the ears.... hmm.... no, not just the ears. Theyseem to scratch their backs too. And as best as I candescribe their body language before they jump and run is as if theywere pricked by a needle..... there is a slight twitch in their bodysuggesting something just bit them, they would make a jumping motionand take a running start.

Ummm.... go ahead and respond to this if you wish to. Let metake time out and watch them for ticks and monitor themclosely. Oh, they are not 'constantly' scratchingthemselves. I am sure they are scratching more then I wouldcall normal.... as if I know what normal is right now. I'llbe back tomorrow.

Thanks again.

Are they house bunnies or hutch bunnies?

Also, be careful about meds. I know that some meds that are safe for dogs / cats can spell disaster for bunnies.


P.S. Congrats on the new additions!
Hey Jannu! Welcome to the forum!

How old are the bunnies? (just wondering)

If they do have fleas you can buy kitten flea stuff for them. If it continues you should go seek a Vet's assistance.


Welcome to the forum. A lot of peopleuse Ivermectin, a horse wormer paste as kind of a catch-all, but it canhave disastrous results. Buck Jones had recommended it to meafter years of using it, and then his rabbit had a terrible reaction.

You would be safe with something that is safe forcats/kittens. The rule is that rabbits groom themselves likecats, so it has to be safe if ingested that way. I thinksomeone makes a small animal flea/mite spray. I manage a petstore, I have to go in in a bit, so I'll try to find the maker and postit for you.
