Active Member
Attn 4H leaders!!!!
At rabbit shows, what is the question leaders are asked themost by 4Hers?? It is kids asking about what color theirrabbit is shown as, or how the judging process works. The answer tothis question is long and involved, and on the crazy and hectic showday, very few leaders have a chance to explain it every time.Plus with it varying from breed to breed, it can be a lot for theleader to have to keep track of. AND, unfortunately, the4H'er may quite possibly soon forget!
But suppose you, the leader, could just hand the 4H'er a paper and goon your way. A paper that explained it in moredetail than you would have time for. A paper, customized fortheir breed, that not only taught the 4H'er with paragraphs, pictures,and diagrams, but that they could keep and refer to again andagain!
Introducing the Rabbit Judging Process Handouts.
[email protected]
Just think how much time and frustration this will save you!!Post them at judges tables. Have copies available at entrytables. Use them for years! And for Cavies too!!!!!
Does your fair classify breeds and/or varieties differently then atARBA shows?? NO PROBLEM! Order custom handouts justto your specs.
LEADERS LOVE 'EM!! Deb B, Eaton County, MI, RabbitSuperintendent says "Your hand outs are fabulous! ...It willsave people asking me alot of questions. You would not beleive how manypeople do not know anything about show order. Thank you for alll yourhard work!"
Order in time for the spring shows!!!!! For more informationand to order email[email protected]
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At rabbit shows, what is the question leaders are asked themost by 4Hers?? It is kids asking about what color theirrabbit is shown as, or how the judging process works. The answer tothis question is long and involved, and on the crazy and hectic showday, very few leaders have a chance to explain it every time.Plus with it varying from breed to breed, it can be a lot for theleader to have to keep track of. AND, unfortunately, the4H'er may quite possibly soon forget!
But suppose you, the leader, could just hand the 4H'er a paper and goon your way. A paper that explained it in moredetail than you would have time for. A paper, customized fortheir breed, that not only taught the 4H'er with paragraphs, pictures,and diagrams, but that they could keep and refer to again andagain!
Introducing the Rabbit Judging Process Handouts.
[email protected]
Just think how much time and frustration this will save you!!Post them at judges tables. Have copies available at entrytables. Use them for years! And for Cavies too!!!!!
Does your fair classify breeds and/or varieties differently then atARBA shows?? NO PROBLEM! Order custom handouts justto your specs.
LEADERS LOVE 'EM!! Deb B, Eaton County, MI, RabbitSuperintendent says "Your hand outs are fabulous! ...It willsave people asking me alot of questions. You would not beleive how manypeople do not know anything about show order. Thank you for alll yourhard work!"
Order in time for the spring shows!!!!! For more informationand to order email[email protected]
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