New playpen...

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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2005
Reaction score
Corky's Cave, , USA
Sure hope they like it as it takes up a goodchunk of the living room and isn't easy to move!! I don't trust thembeing "out" all the time..specially with the lack of this is a good solution..keeps them out of things theyshouldn't be in...(cords...etc)...but gives them a chance to kick uptheir heels!

Hubby just got done making this!
That is one totally cool playpen. I loveit. That is such an awesome idea, really. It is the perfect solutionfor like you said their litter habits aren't the greatest.

I know this is going to sound funny but I have the same exact pumpkin planter.

Your rabbits are really cute too.

They are in it! LOL< its just so big andthey aren't yet..that it looks empty!! hah! This will be a greatsolution...they can be out more and we don't have to have 100% eye onthem all the time...they can play while I'm cooking dinner and in andout of the room!

The good news is..I put their lil litter box in it with some beddingfrom the cage, and they've pooped in there some!!! They arestill pooping outside...but hey...a rabbit mommy's gotta be happy withwhat she can get!
That's a great idea, but I think my buns would hop right out...maybe it's taller then it seems.

What kind of wood did you use? I going to be building cages and I'm wondering what kind to use.

Just pine I think..nothing fancy...yeah, Homerhas escaped a couple times...we may make it taller...this was just astart!!! Will be easy to add height too if needed.
Yep...hubby built it thisafternoon..... They seem to be enjoying it...allows em moreout time than what we had before!
I'm VERY excited...I put a litter box in therewith just bedding in it..and they peed in there! NO potty accidentsoutside it...and they were out for prolly close to 2 hours!I'm very happy...poop all over...but that I can live with, speciallyfor now!
WTG!!! onthe awsome play pen , great job,

for those nice dry pelletsthey tend to drop a onegallon shop vac make clean upQuick and easy !
MyBunnyBoys wrote:
The thing I'm wondering is how do you keep them in there?!My boys will jump over anything lower than 3'6"!

Yeah, they jump out on occassion, but when they are in it, we are righthere (usually in the living room) so they just have to go backin. ;) This won't be what we use outside thissummer most likely.

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