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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Reaction score
Devon, , United Kingdom
Hello everyone,

i am trying real hard with litter training but it seems almost impossible for me - any advice?

here are some pics! This first one is of Russel, his friend Misty underthe chair and Tizzy on the top of the chair! lol! its so sweet!

Thankyou everyone,
Leanne :)
Nipper makes a jump for it seconds later -they're so cheeky - this is their way of getting out...EVERY TIME!! isometimes have to move the green igloo (what theyy stand on) so theydont get out when i am feeding them!
Heres my guinea pigs...just becuz.....lol

Oh and guess what?!?!? I managed to clip Russels nails for the firsttime today - i did the guinea pigs first and then he seemed easy coz heis soo tame! well, i never thought it would be that easY! It was adifferent story for Flop though. Roxy let me do her front but not herback coz of her poorly foot!
hotchocolatewithsmarties!!!!! wrote:
is Flop the orange one cos i swear he's a clone of mrBun!

(soz if its a girl but it looks so much like mrbun its probably his brother!):D:):p:cool:
Yeah, Flop is the orange one - he is a harlequin lop! And hes a boy- lol!

They are so adorable!! Be carefull, I had mybunnys ina pen without a lid and gave them a house to playon, this was before I did lots of research and bought them really nicecages. Well, anyways I lost my first rabbit because of myirresponsibility. I have learned though and they all have large cagesall safe and away from others.
They are precious. I love the fuzzylittle hairdos. What dolls. Now after you sell them will you be able tostill see them. Oh I hope so. Russl and Roxy are gorgeous all the time.The piggies are so cute and Flops is Adorable.

What a great photo session,RusselandRoxy. I was going to compliment you on the firstpicture looking like a rabbit heaven, then I got to the second and thatface is too adorable...then the next...etc. They're all sodogarned cute.

Love this little one. Such a little Baby trying to be tall. :)

